All dressed up Part 2

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The car stops in front of a gorgeous dark brick building. The windows in the front stretch from floor to ceiling, paired with a set of gorgeous french doors. Your mouth is agape as you take in the beauty of the building. A soft neon sign rests across the top of the tilted roof. Cloak & Petal it reads.

"Is this okay?" Jax voice brings you back to reality, you turn to face him.

"What are we doing here?"

"Well, I thought we could go out to dinner," your face begins to feel a little warm. "If you want!" He adds.

"I'd love to!" You smile. Before you can even begin to climb out of the car Jax is already out and opening your door.

"M'lady," he says ushering you into the restaurant, where you're met by a waiter.

The waiter picks up two menus and guides you to your table. With Jax being the 'Prince of Charming' you didn't expect to wait in line. But you also didn't expect such a gorgeous table. The waiter had brought you to a private section of the restaurant. The room was covered in glass windows, once again paired with matching French doors. In the middle of the room there is your table, a gorgeous crimson table cloth lays on top of the equally gorgeous spruce table. The cushions on the spruce chairs matched perfectly with the crimson tablecloth.

"If you need anything don't be afraid to ask," the waiter says placing the menus on the table, "I'll be back with your drinks."

You turn to Jax with your mouth slightly open. He smirks a little, "like it?" He asks.

"Like it? Are you kidding! It's gorgeous!" You reply as he gestures you to sit. You both sit at the table and you admire the single rose sitting on the corner of the table beside a few short candles. "You did this?"

"Well.. actually Lyla did," he replies taking off his 'Reaper Crew' sweater. Underneath the sweater was a navy blue dress shirt with a black tie. "Let's be honest, if it was me it wouldn't be nearly this amazing."

You smile, "At least you dressed for the part. I was starting to wonder if you thought you'd blend in with your sweater."

He chuckles a little as a waiter comes and sets down two glasses of red wine, "what can I get started for you two?"


After hours of amazing food and great conversation you two decided to head home. You both jumped in Lyla's car and Jax drove you home. After a short drive he rolled the car into your driveway and put the car in park.

"Thank your for the amazing supper Jax," you smile, "I had a great time."

"No problem Darlin. We were hoping you'd like it." He smiles back. "May I walk you to your door?"

"You think I'm going to get kidnapped again walking from the car to the door?" You laugh.

"Hey you never know! Danger can be lurking in any shadow," he smirks getting out of the car and walking around to open your door. He opens the car door for you and you climb out. He grabs your hand and walks you up the small flight of stairs outside of your house. You both stop in front of the doormat.

"Thank you aga-" you're cut off by a pair of soft lips. You're shocked for a moment but kiss him back. He departs from your lips with a smile.

"Have a goodnight Darlin," he smirks leaving you standing on the porch of the house while he walks back to Lyla's car.

What a night...

Jax Teller Imagines Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat