Becoming friends with Mr.Mayhem

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You'd been to the clubhouse a few times now since the accident in the streets. Your car had never worked so fine before, but you still found Jax giving you rides home after work on his bike. You didn't mind it, he did save your life after all.

"You alright Darlin?" Jax shouts over his shoulder. This wakes you from your thoughts as the roar of the Harley begins to fill your ears.

"Yeah!" You shout back and him holding him a little tighter.

He pulls into your driveway and puts the bike in park. The rumble of the engine quiets.

"Thanks for the ride."

"It's not a problem at all" he digs into his pocket and pulls out a cigarette. It's seem to become a routine. He picks you up every day at 4, takes you home, and as he parks the bike he fishes for a smoke. Just like he did on the first day. "You sure you're alright?" He takes a drag, "you seem off." You him exhale. The puff of smoke dances in the breeze.

"All is well." You tell him taking off the helmet. "I just don't understand why you insist on driving me home everyday. You fixed my car remember?" You hand the helmet to him before continuing, "or do you doubt the labour of Teller-Morrow?"

"Darlin we have a crew of top notch mechanics," he replies through another cloud of smoke. "I just thought you'd like a hot guy picking you up every day." a smirk appears on his face. Your face gets a little warm.

"I do enjoy the company." You stammer.

His smirk widens a little bit. "Must be nice having the protection of a biker!"

"It is!" Your face heats up a little more. He
drops his cigarette to the ground and stomps it out beneath the weight of his white sneaker.

"With a habit like this, we might as well make a friendship out of it." You look at him in shock. His blue eyes hold a sparkle of light. Is he serious?! "Unless, you don't want to." He adds.

"No no, I think that's a great idea." You climb off the bike. You fist bump his shoulder, "see you tomorrow.. buddy."

Buddy? Really? How lame can I be...

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