Authors note!

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Hi guys!! Here's where I wanted to talk about myself a little so you could get to know me as an author. I'm currently 21 years old and I'm from Canada. I've been a fan of writing short stories since grade 10 English class!! I am always up for requests for any of my books and am always looking for a new recommendation for stories, or how to make my writing better. I haven't actually wrote a story in years!! So it defiantly feels great to be back!

Why Jax imagines? Easy, Jax was my favourite from the Sons Of Anarchy franchise!! And I needed something to keep me going after the series finale (can we talk about that ending!? Totally unexpected 😭). So to cope with the series being over I've been looking into reading imagines (don't tell my boyfriend lmfao) and Jax related stories, then I finally decided I might as well just make my own. The inspiration just started pouring!! I try to keep them kinda close based with things that happened in the series, with a few odd ones.

Please let me know what you think! My inbox is always open for requests :) just let me know what kind of a topic you'd like (best friend, relationship, etc), your name (if you'd like it in the story), and anything else you feel you might need in the story and I will get it up as soon as I can :) thanks so much for getting to know me guys and I look forward to talking to you all soon :)

Also! Side note: not sure how many of you read imagines, but the ones I read they use Y/N to stand for your name. It makes it a little more personal and less boring to read! So I plan to run with this in a few of the Imagines. Hope you like it :)

I'd also like to point out that if I use anything in italics its because I'm showing what you're thinking in your head. Sorry if there's any confusion! Thank you!

Jax Teller Imagines Where stories live. Discover now