Girls, girls, girls

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You're sitting at the clubhouse bar with a few of the boys newest girlfriends. You're laughing and talking, just overall having a great time! It felt nice making friends with people who didn't know the club life like yourself. It felt like you fit in better this way. But you couldn't help but feel like you were being watched. You turned your head to see Jax propped up against the wall watching you and the girls. Before you turn your head back to the laugher you see Tig approach Jax and they begin to talk.

You walk over to the fridge and grab a cold beer. "I'll be right back girls," you tell them while you close the fridge door. Nobody says a word so you make your way over to Jax.

" you should." Tig finishes his sentence as you approach them.

"Should what?"

"Nothing." Tig says turning from Jax to you. He smiles, "Hey, y/n! I better run," he turns back to Jax, who nods in return.

"Thanks Darlin," Jax says as you hand him the beer in your hand. He cracks it open and takes a slug.

"What's on your mind VP?" You ask him propping yourself against the wall.

He takes another slug before looking at you.
"Why do you hang out with those girls?" You're a little shocked by his question.

"Why wouldn't I?" You ask as he shrugs. "They make me feel like I fit in here."

"You do fit in here." He tells you.

"Do I though?" You ask looking into his ocean blue eyes. "I'm nothing special to anyone. I'm sure by now everyone thinks we're fucking," you scan around the room before continuing; " I don't know nothing about this life you live. And they don't either. It just makes it easier for me."

He turns to you. "Look, I understand you don't get the way we live. Or why we do it. But someday you will! And I just want you to know I can't tell you everything, but that's only because I'm trying to protect you." He finishes his beer and walks towards their meeting room.

"Protect me from what?!" You call after him. He turns his head and winks at you before he shuts the door.

Jax Teller Imagines Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz