"Living room, kitchen, bathroom down that hall, along with the laundry room and my own gym" she said as they walked in different rooms.

She hopped up her steps and Jace followed behind.

"Other bathroom, guest room, another guest room, London's room she is my moms friend, a spare room, my room and my mom's room."

"Can we see your room?"

"I see it everyday, no need."

Jace gave her a look and she groaned before opened her door.

"Welcome to my room, touch anything and I break your hand."

Jace admired her room. He thought it fit her very well. Her dark walls with her picture wall and her record wall. His room was plain but he loved what she did with hers.

"That's your dad?" Jace asked.

He pointed to the picture and he compared it to one of his favorite actors and singers who had passed away back in January who looked like him.

"Uh yeah."

"Do you get along more with your dad or your mom?" Jace asked.


He nodded and watched her as she looked over the Polaroid picture on her wall.

"Why don't you go live with him then?" Jace asked her.

He assumed they were divorced since they aren't living with him.

Blake walked over to a small little necklace. It held some of her dad's ashes in it and she never really wore it because she was scared she would lose it. Her mom has a little bit in a bracelet and the rest is in the other room.

"Because I can't live in this necklace" Blake said as she held up the ashes.

She never told anyone about her dad's passing but yet here she was telling Jace, a person she has been friends with for a day. 

Jace's eyes widened in realization. Her father wasn't alive anymore. 

"I'm sorry Blake."

She shrugged and continued to stare at the ashes.

He knew her mind has gone elsewhere and began to think.

"You said you had a gym?" Jace asked.

Blake took her focus away from her dad's ashes and looked at him.

"Yeah but my mom and her friend changed it into their yoga room."

She led him to the gym and she was surprised that everything was back to the way it was.

"Well I guess they changed it back. I'm usually in here a lot."

Jace nodded and just kept thinking that this girl keeps getting better and better.

"Maybe we can watch a movie, or something."

"I guess so. We can watch it in the living room or finished basement. I never go in the basement though."

"Let's go in the basement then."

Blake nodded and grabbed a few snacks for them and went down to the finished basement. It had a huge long couch with a huge flat screen tv in front of it. A pool table sat in the other side of the basement along with an air hockey table.

It was silent a majority of the time. Blake hasn't had a friend her age since freshman year of high school. It's been practically three years and she didn't really know what to say or do. Her dad being her friend was different, but someone her age? How was she supposed to entertain him?

"How old are you?" Jace asked her.

"Seventeen, you?"

"Same. When's your birthday?"

"July twelfth, yours?"

"August eighth."

"So I'm older" Blake smirked.

"Yeah by a month" Jace grumbled.

It was silent again between them as Blake played with her rings waiting for Netflix to load.

Once it did Blake slowly scrolled through different movies.

"That one!"

Blake stopped at the movie Chris and her dad had both been in.

"Oh, sure."

She clicked it and it began to play. She hasn't watched any of his movies since he died. But I guess there was a first for everything.

Once he entered the screen Blake inhaled quietly seeing her dad move and act. Jace was oblivious to the girl as he stared at the screen. That guy looked strangely like Blake's dad.

"You know Blake, that guy looks so much like your dad in the pictures I saw" Jace said.

Blake stared at the screen and nodded.

"Yeah, I never noticed."

It was back to silence as Blake stared at her dad act. It wasn't until a scene where he almost died when Blake stood up.

"Where you going?"


"Want me to pause it?"


Blake left and walked to the bathroom that was in the basement. She closed and locked the door as she sat on the cold tiled floors.

After a few minutes she walked back like it was nothing.

When the movie finished they went back upstairs and London and Susie were in the kitchen making dinner.

"Oh Blake you're home."

"I live here mom."

She nodded and turned her attention to Jace.

"Oh hello Jace, was there another project?"

"No, we were just hanging out."

London smirked to herself as she continued stirring the vegetables.

"I thought you didn't like him."

Jace looked at Blake and she shrugged.

"Things change."

"Alright well London and I are making ourselves dinner, you can make yourself whatever you want."

"You're not making me dinner?" Blake asked her.

"Well I didn't know you were here."

"My stuff was in my room."

"I wasn't paying attention."

Blake rolled her eyes.

"Not hungry anymore, Jace was just leaving."

"I was?" Jace questioned.


He nodded and he put his shoes on.

"Bye ladies."

The two women smiled at the boy and Blake walked him out.

"Are you and your mom okay?"

"Just shut up and drive away."

"We are friends now, you can't keep being rude to me."

"It's how I am. Now beat it."

Blake walked away and Jace admired her as usual. He was definitely falling for this girl.

The Girl with the Purple HairWhere stories live. Discover now