Chapter 43

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To say that Jin came to my work place and invited me to a lunch date, was not a lovely surprise then I'd be lying. He surprised me and I couldn't say no. I mean I knew that we were going to go on a date at some point since he asked me that not that long ago but because I was working so much as well as he was I just didn't know when that was going to happen.

I'm glad he asked me but he also happened to ask my dad too when my dad purposely came up to meet him and ask questions but my dad seemed okay with Jin so had no complaints my dad even whispered to me that I have early permission to marry this man if I wanted to and he did it in front of Jin which was loud enough for Jin to hear. I was so embarrassed and couldn't wait to get out of there.

I didn't have a place in mind to go to but Jin obviously did, taking my hand the whole way there we walked down the street to a cute little restaurant that was open for lunch so we entered and was shown to a table and we ordered pretty quickly since I like my food and so does Jin. It wasn't hard to find what we wanted to eat and drink.

We picked up small talk, about what we had been up to after all these years and it was nice to finally be able to speak to him one on one and in person too, but somehow our conversation ended up to Y/n and Jungkook. I didn't mind since the two of us care about those two deeply. I'm still unsure of Jungkook if I'm totally honest because I've seen him blow up in rage twice now so I feel like I would have to walk around egg shells when it comes to him but if Y/n is happy then so am I. She's like my sister just like Jennie is and Hobi as my brother but I'm slowly gaining a relationship with him again since I was with him a few days ago for dinner.

"You know Jungkook and Y/n kissed the other night right?" Jin

I almost spit out my water as I was drinking and ended up choking at the sudden news. I had no idea. I mean I know the past two days Y/n and Jungkook have been hanging out but she never told me they kissed.

"I'm sorry but what? They kissed?"

He nods and hands me a napkin so I could wipe the water that was slipping out my lips still as I tried to dry it away with my fingers and hide my embarrassment even more.

"Yeah like two nights ago. Jungkook wouldn't stop talking about it yesterday, he was like a school boy with a crush or even a puppy wagging it's tail. He hasn't been this happy in a long time." Jin

I only hum and wipe my mouth, but the thoughts of how happy Y/n had been lately comes to mind also. She is also head over heels and I'm slightly worried but I have to remind myself that if she's happy then I should be happy for her and then remember the time back at his house. The time were he blew up and Y/n somehow got him to calm down so quickly when his friends couldn't. That day I have to say made me speechless.

"Yeah, Y/n is the same. Even after what has happened between the two I would think Y/n is very happy. A love sick teenager if you ask me."

I giggled to myself popping the napkin down beside me and look back at him from across the table when he too laughs.

"See, they're perfect for each other if you ask me. Jungkook has always had a thing for her." Jin

"Oh I know. I remember seeing him in school with the way he would look at her. I just thought he was being creepy but Y/n always thought he was cute too which is why she always tried to talk to him. She liked him more than she let on."

I admitted when that was a secret but why hide it now when it's clear that those two like each other so much. Even in school it's just none of them admitted it and yet also with what happened between the two. Maybe Jungkook was right? Y/n had maybe always been his with out Y/n even realising it. I dot know it's weird to say but it seems true.

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