Chapter 10

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I could hear the whispers about me in the hallway. I don't know what they're saying but the mention of my name and the looks everyone gives me was enough for me to know it has to be about me.

"Just ignore them y/n." Mia

"Yeah they're just idiots. Just focus on us." Jennie

I nodded but couldn't help but be self conscious about it. Do they know I'm pregnant?

I've known for two months now and let's just say I'm lucky to have a friend like Mia who took me into her him after my parents disowned me. I would of most likely had to of left school and find a job or something if it wasn't for the support of my friends.

"Just take a seat y/n and ignore everyone." Jennie

We took our seats now in class and I anxiously waited for the teacher to come in but mostly for Hobi. He's been my rock and some what of a comfort for me. He's also my desk mate in this class and with all the whispers about me I just wanted him by my side.

"Hey y/n!"

I turned around when rose the head cheerleader called my name. She was snickering about something with her friends but waved them off to jump off her desk and walk over to me.

"What's up?"

I was nervous about what she was going to say since she's the biggest gossip ever and we've never really gotten along before we were just civil with one another, nothing more.

"Is it true your pregnant?"

My eyes practically bulge out my head. So they do know?!

Panic raised within myself and I didn't know what to say.

"Leave her alone! It's none of your business!" Mia

I turned back a round and covered my head within my hands.

"So it is true then? Hey everyone y/n is pregnant!" Rose

There was gasps in the room and I further hid into my desk, wishing to disappear from this very moment.

"Everyone knows already! She even claims she was raped!" Yeonjun

Oh my god I want to disappear. I could feel a hand on my back rubbing in circles on my hoodie. It'll be jennie since she sits on the other side of me.

"She'll only be saying that because she got knocked up so young!" Rose

There's was a series of laughter in the room and I started to cry into my arm. Someone grabbed me by the arm and pulled me up to stand and lead me out the classroom while I covered my face in shame.

"Don't worry y/n we'll get them back for this." Mia

I shook my head with my face still in my hands. I get humiliated and completely worthless.

"Why is this happening to me?"

I mumbled into my hands but Mia moved my hands away from my face as we now stood in the hallway.

"Hey y/n look at me." Mia

She held my chin up high so I couldn't look away from her.

"You'll get through this. Your strong and you don't need them. We'll all help you get through this together, okay?" Mia


I sniffed and wiped my nose with the back of my hand. Out of now habit my hands travelled down from wiping my face and down to my stomach, that was just starting to grow so right now I looked like I had eaten so much my belly could burst. But luckily my hoodie covers it.

I smiled slightly and I heard Mia chuckle.

"Remember you'll have a baby by the end of all this. Just a few months left and we're out of this hell hole and you can give birth in peace." Mia

I smiled even more at the thought. It's not actually that far away until graduation so I just have to hold on just a little bit longer.

"That's true. I like the sound of that."

She placed a hand on my small bump and giggled. She opens her mouth to speak but there was a shatter of glass come from around the corner. I flinched and so did Mia causing her to take a step back.

"What was that?" Mia

I shrugged but stayed still.


Who was that?

"Calm down! Let's just get to class."

There was another voice, they sounded familiar but I couldn't quite place them.


Well that guy clearly is in a bad mood.


"We can talk when you calm down."


"Hey, man he didn't tell you because he didn't know how to tell you!"

Now there a third voice.


Mia all of a sudden gasped and grabbed my arm to lead me away from all the shouting. I was so close to the corner to see all the drama. I needed the distraction, that guy sounded like he was having a bad day just like me.

It looked like she was leading me to the girls bathroom so I let her pull me away. But I could help but think about the guys that were talking. One in particular sounded more familiar than the rest and I'm sure I know it well, it's just from talking quietly and being around the corner and maybe further down the hall made the voice a little different.

"Hey Mia?"

She turned to look at me as she continued to pull me down the hallway.

"Yeah?" Mia

"Didn't one of those guys sound like Hobi?"

She shrugged and opened the girls bathroom door.

"I don't know but I'll ask him later." Mia

She refused to look at me after I entered the girls bathroom. I was sure she was hiding something from me, but what?

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