Chapter 2

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After dropping off Jihyun at day care I drove myself and Jennie to work. I had an off feeling today so I really wanted my tasks to be with Jennie today but unfortunately that was not the case today. Jennie was assigned to at check out and I however was on stock duty. I had to put away the products on the right shelves. It can be tiring sometimes depending on what it is your stocking up.


My manager called me when I had began to push the heavy trolley filled with cereal boxes and out of the stock room. I paused on my way just at the door to look back at him standing watching me with a clipboard in his hands.


"Remember to place the right price tags on the shelf this time. We don't want another incident to happen like last time." Manager

I nodded at him, agreeing with him. Lat time I placed the wrong price tags for bread and there was this big thing of confusion for the whole day. I had an excuse though I didn't sleep at all that night because Jihyun was up most of the night with his nightmares. He kept crying for me until he eventually fell asleep with me in my bed.

Proceeding to push the trolley down the aisle to where the cereals were, I couldn't help but hum the tune to the song Jihyun likes so much. When you hear it constantly you cant help but learn to know it off by heart.

Once I got to the correct shelf I double checked that I indeed had the right tag and I did so I placed in on the shelf and smiled to myself that I got it right this time. I looked down the aisle and I could see Jennie scanning peoples shopping at the check out.


I shouted down the aisle, she immediately looked up and around until her eyes landed on me, passing a smile which I happily returned with a wave and she of course waved back. I laughed and went back to work, picking up two boxes at a time and placing them on the shelf, they needed to be in two straight lines next to one another. I had a thing for the products that they needed to be in line with each other. When Jennie watches me she makes fun of me for my OCD,, if you want to call it that but I just call it trying to make the products presentable to customers.

I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Excuse me miss?"

I turned around with two boxes in my hands and I was shocked to who I was now looking out. It's been years since I last saw him, since before graduation, he too disappeared before graduation just like Hobi did. His face lit up when he saw me, we don't really know each other but more like friendly acquaintances, he was one of the few people that were nice to me in school after my news. In fact everyone that played the game with us at that party was nice to me, well except that one girl that hung onto Taehyung all night but still, it meant a lot. It's just that they all disappeared before graduation, including my bestie.

"Is that you Jimin?"

He smiled at me and nodded. He looked so much more grown up now. Slightly bigger build, sharper jawline, and the loss of his baby fat made him look so beautiful. He was hot.

"Yes it's me, it's good to see you again. How have you been?" Jimin

I shook the boxes in my hands and shrugged my shoulders.

"Just working away really, nothing new. What about you, where have you been all these years?"

I placed the boxes back into the trolley with my eyes trained on him, he opened his mouth to speak but was cut off with another voice at the end of the aisle.

"Jimin, what's taking so long? You kno-"

The new person froze when their eyes settle to me just like I did with him. We stared at one another totally unsure what to do or say, it's bee years and just like Jimin he disappeared and this is the first time in almost four years that I've seen him again. I fiddled with the hem of my shirt but not taking my eyes away from the man, still shocked by my appearance.

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