Chapter 40

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He kisses her on the cheek and runs off like a little pussy to play with his son. This makes me feel sick. They're not suppose to be playing happy families, Y/n was suppose to cut off any contact with Jungkook. I was hoping she would move and take their son with them so Jungkook could suffer just how my boss wants him to.

From what my boss tells me is that Jungkook doesn't deserve shit. He's had everything handed to him and he needs to learn his lesson and bring out the beast he truly is but Y/n and their son are always around and when they are that's very hard. Jungkook is crazy in the brains and Y/n needs to realise it and so far she has done nothing but fall to his charms.

I watch the three of them playing happy families and it makes me sick. I have also failed in a way now that I watch them discreetly in sitting in my car watching the three.

Jungkook sliding down the slide with his little boy laughing and while the boy seems to be having the time of his life just by simply playing on the slide with his dad when in reality he has no clue that's his really dad that I know of anyway.

I've been watching Y/n since I heard that Jungkook had come back into the city knowing that they would end up seeing each other once again and he would meet his son. My job was to keep tabs on Y/n since Jungkook might notice me but I doubt that because I worked at his building with his company and he didn't remember me at all from school. Actually at work he never noticed me as they all didn't, him and his group of friends.

I hate them all. All of them thought they were so much better than the rest of us, well me and my sister anyway but that horn dog Taehyung fell for my sisters plot to get in their little circle for a couple hours to drug Jungkook but when he raped Y/n we didn't know he'd do that we just thought he would black out or something and do something like beat her or someone close to him. It was unexpected but still had the same outcome we had wanted and that was to destroy Jungkook mentally and he did truly go crazy because as he put it, he hurt his love. Then a child came from it and it hurt him even more and that's how I know that to use Y/n and Jihyun would be the best bet to hurt Jungkook.

I personally don't know why my boss doesn't like Jungkook or has some big problem with him. I met him on the black market when I was sixteen buying drugs and he came to me to offer me a lifetime of money monthly if I do what he says without question and I have done ever since. I introduced him to Yeri and she does jobs for him too but not as much as me.

I've been offered a big bonus to destroy Jungkook to the point he's admitted to an mental hospital or something like prison. Though at this point I don't know what else to do if Y/n is still hanging around Jungkook and getting very close with one another. I think I'l have to tell my boss about this and he will not be happy.

I picked up my phone to call him but instead I seen I was getting an incoming call from my sister Yeri. I sighed and picked it up and back to watching the three people in the park still playing like a happy family that makes me roll my eyes everytime I see it.

"What do you want Yeri? I'm busy."

"Nice to speak to you too brother. Can I not call just to say hello?" Yeri

"I just seen you two hours ago. What is it now"?

I heard her sigh heavily on the other end of the line and mens voices in the back ground ordering drinks and glasses clinking together.

"Its about our boss. He called me." Yeri

Shit. That's not good when he calls, it's always us that have to call him first to update him and he hen gives us further instruction then. That when I watch Jungkook pick up Jihyun and help him hang from the monkey bars as Y/n watches on with admiration in her eyes. She cant be looking at him like that.

"What did he say? What have you done?"

"It's not what I've done this time, it's what you haven't done. I told him what was going on and he told me to tell you to call him. He's mad Jae, I wouldn't keep him waiting." Yeri

Just great, why did she have to tell him when I was going to have to do that myself.

"Why did you tell him?"

"Because he offered me more money to tell him of your progress since he hadn't heard from you in two weeks. You know he's very impatient Jae, just call him." Yeri

I ran my fingers through my hair throwing my head back with a loud groan of frustration. I then opened my glove compartment to check if I still have any cocaine left and good I do. I'll be needing that after I speak with my boss.

"Yeah whatever Yeri. I was going to call him anyway. Goodbye."

I hung up before she could say anything more. I love my sister but she's a big pain in the butt and a loud mouth. She's just getting me into more trouble. Last time I got into trouble he sent some big guys to my house to teach me a lesson in disobedience, lets just say I still have the scars in my back to prove it.

Again my sights watch the park and now I see Y/n holding Jihyuns hand as they walk to her car with Jungkook holding Jihyuns other little hand. Admittedly he is a cute little boy and looks like Jungkook since I've seen pics of him when he was that age.

Anyway never mind that I have other problems again I look for my bosses number and called it and only with one ring did he pick up and with rage evident in his voice.


I guled nervously.

"Not entirely sir, I did as you said but Y/n is still hanging around Jungkook with the little boy."

"So she forgave him for what he did to her then?" Boss

He asks a little more calmer now.

"I think so sir, that's what it seems like right now."

"Are you currently watching them?" Boss

"Yes sir. They're at the park together and I think they're saying their goodbyes to go home."

"Good at least youre doing something right. Watch the girl and the little boy. Now that I'm out we will do things my way." Boss


He's out?"

"Sir? You're out now?"

"Yes I just said that keep up. I'll come up with a new plan and I will call you tomorrow with the new plans just watch her for tonight. If you have to camp outside her apartment then do that too." Boss

I wanted to sigh but I knew that would get me into trouble too.

"Yes sir."

Then jut like that he hangs up the phone and the line goes dead. I slip my phone into my pocket now watching Y/n say goodbye to Jungkook with a hug and get into her car. I'm assuming Jihyun is already inside the car. Then watch Y/n start to drive off while Jungkook waves smiling away when he walks to his own car.

Now I just have to drive to Y/ns apartment and stay there all night watching it because if I don't my boss will find out and I'll probably be killed or something. What would my life of been like if I rejected my bosses offer years ago? I think about that all the time, it's a mess.

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