
[ Two Days Later ]

everyone exclaimed, most of everyone.

"These are trees, right?"

And yeah, that's how I woke up.

"I didn't know I could sleep walk!"
I said with accomplishment to myself.

"You can sleep slap too,"
Oliver said, and I noticed he was carrying me.

I frowned.
"I can't sleep walk..."

Then my eyes widened.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, Ollie!"
I exclaimed.

He chuckled.
"It's all right. Don't sweat it."

I wondered why he was the one carrying me instead of Ray.
And I questioned it.

"Gilda told him he would hurt his back if he kept carrying everyone. 
In the end, she finally convinced him to let me carry you,"
he said.

I chuckled.
"Yeah, he will... I'm surprised she convinced him though.
Ray is very stubborn,"
I muttered.

Oliver nodded.
"That he is. Especially when it comes to you,"
he told me.

"What do you mean?"
I asked, tilting my head.

"Well, when you stayed behind... with Lucas and Yuugo... he kept insisting that he go back and help,"
Oliver told me.

I smiled slightly.
But I didn't say anything.

Oliver didn't let me down the rest of the walk.
And I felt bad... but he insisted he was okay with it.

"I'll go up ahead and tell the boss you guys are coming.
Jin and Zazie, can you make sure you bring them safely?"
Hayato said.

Jin replied.

Hayato smiled and then, before I knew it, he was gone.

I was surprised, I'd never seen someone run that fast.
Oliver looked surprised as well.



"We're here,"
Jin then said.

I looked around in awe.

"This is our base."

It was huge! And very beautiful!

"Wow! Wow! What is this?!"
"Our base."
"Yeah, we got that."

"I don't know the details either. But these were the remains of a colony of some demon clan a long time ago.
The demons in the towns don't know about it, which is why they don't come here,"
Jin said.

"Please take the injured this way.
Everyone else, please follow me,"
Jin said.

Oliver glanced at me.
"You're not hurt, right?"
he asked.

I said, shaking my head.

Oliver nodded and followed Jin.

Everything needed was there...
it was amazing.

And... all of the children were smiling.

"Woah, they're really the escapees."

This is the paradise Mr. Minerva built...

a boy said, I looked to see him handing Oliver a drink.
Then, he handed me one.

"Thank you,"
I smiled.

Hayato then called.

Oliver set me down.

I walked over to Hayato.
"The boss is saying he wants to meet you,"
Hayato added.

I was suprised.
I would think he'd want to see Emma or Ray, they're basically the leaders of this.

But I nodded.
"I'll be right back!"
I called out before walking with Hayato.

He led me to a room, knocking on the door.
"Boss, I brought her,"
Hayato called out.

"Come in,"
Minerva responded.

My eyes widened.
The voice... was familiar.
A bit different, but... I knew it.

Hayato opened the door.

"Good job, Hayato. You can go,"
he said, probably with a smile.

{ No... it can't be. They just have similiar voices. }

My heart was suddenly beating fast.
I was nervous now.

"Yes sir!"
Hayato said with a smile, leaving us alone.

My eyes grew wider as I looked at the man behind the desk.
{ No. No. It can't be. }

"It took a while, but we finally meet,"
he said.

"No way..."
I muttered, stumbling slightly.

A tear rolled down my face.
I choked out.




Word Count: 1038

「Dreaming For Stars」TPNxReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ