✨Influences || Josh x Male!Reader✨

Start from the beginning

"Look, I appreciate the offer, but I don't do drugs, and I don't trust pills from strangers," I say, keeping my voice steady. They all find my remark funny, and laugh accordingly. I chuckle nervously. 

"Oh, you're just too cute. Come on, we'll be right here the whole time. You seem like a party-boy anyway. This'll make you have the time of your life," they all grab one and hold them towards me. They're all influenced by these things, wow. I back away a bit. 

"I, again, appreciate the offer, and the compliments, but I'm not looking to spend my night with strangers. I'm here with friends," they don't believe me, and my nerves start getting the better of me, my voice faltering. "I-I really don't want any," I sound less convincing, even to myself, the one person who knows just how much I don't want them. 

"He said he doesn't want any," an unmistakable voice speaks up behind me, and their expressions change. 

"Oh yeah? And who are you to say what he does and doesn't want?" The guy with the slicked back hair sneers, his smirk now a snarl. 

"His boyfriend," Josh says, and I pretend not to react because I understand what he's trying to do and I can't make it seem like he's lying. Even though he'd never see me that way. The way I want him to

The guys just laugh. "Yeah, sure bud. Why don't you run off to your antisocial friends where you belong and stop sticking up for a stranger," the brunette squints, and I curse internally knowing they don't buy it. Suddenly I'm turned in my seat and a hand finds my waist and my cheek, lips colliding with mine. Hard. My heart starts beating a million miles per hour as I kiss back and my hands find Josh's waist, and I hear the guys mutter under their breaths and walk away. Josh doesn't pull away though, his hand traveling from my waist up into my hair. I pull back for air and look at him with wide, shocked eyes. He looks around for a moment before looking at me again. And then he walks away. 

"Josh, wait-" I get up to go after him but a hand grabs my shoulder. 

"Dude, we saw that from across the room. I think Josh might be gay," Cooper says, his pupils dilated, and I take his hand off. 

"Yeah, he might be, and he's probably terrified of what he just did. I have to find him," I say, and Carson nods in understanding, the only one that I know is sober. I go out the door of the club and I am overwhelmed with the humid California night air. "Josh?" I call out, and I see a figure move in the corner of my eye. When I walk over to the figure, I am met with the eyes of the boy I've fallen for. "Josh..." I refuse the urge to touch him, knowing that he might be as terrified as I was when something like this first happened with me. 

"I don't know what came over me- I just got so angry that they wouldn't leave you alone- I didn't know how else to get them to go away- I messed things up, I'm so sorry," he sounds so scared. I lean against the wall next to him. 

"You don't have to apologize. I am grateful for the help. But- you confuse me. If you couldn't tell, I've wanted to do that to you since we first met in person. I am an out, gay man. I understand if it was something you didn't mean-" he gets off of the wall and stands in front of me, looking at me for a moment. 

"I did mean it. I meant it so much, and that- that confuses me too. I've never felt like this towards a guy before, and I didn't want to make you being gay an excuse for me to, figure out whatever is going on with me. But- fuck, Y/n. I've fallen for you. And I want nothing more than to kiss you again," he looks frantically from one of my eyes to the other, before dropping his eyes to my lips and then back up again. 

"If you're saying you feel the same, I have no issue with you doing it again," I say with a smile, and he grabs my face, pushing me against the wall and kissing me again. Who would've known Josh was one to take charge in a situation like this? I think to myself as I run a hand through his hair. He pulls back and I can sense the surge of confidence he's been running on rapidly deplete. His face goes bright red and I chuckle, wrapping my arms around him. "You don't have to know what it is you feel in terms of your sexuality. Trust me, labels don't define you and they don't fit everyone. I want you to feel comfortable with yourself, and comfortable being with another guy." 

"I am comfortable with you. I want to be with you," he says quietly, and I smile. I pull back to see his face and his dark eyes make my heart melt. 

"Josh, will you be my boyfriend?" I ask, and he smiles. 



I hope you guys don't think this is inappropriate for me to put up ;-; if it is and it made people uncomfortable, let me know and I can adjust how things went or take it down entirely if necessary. Other than that I hope someone liked this lol. Happy pride month! Love you all!


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