Chapter 39

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Kongpob looked up from the papers in his hands when he heard the door open. Beck watched as young master Kongpob's lips stretch in a welcoming smile when he saw young master Arthit at the door. Arthit walked in and like a homing pigeon immediately sought Kongpob's embrace. No matter how many times he'd seen this seen, he never got tired of it. The first time he'd seen young master Kongpob smile so unrestrained and express himself so openly to Arthit, he'd been stumped. Never had he ever imagined that young master Kongpob was capable of such facial expression let alone emotion. 

Ever since the time young master Kongpob had thrown a jealous fit at San's parent's cafe, the four bodyguards and PA had known young master Arthit was somebody very special. Looking at the immediate transformation of young master Kongpob, Beck had started believing fans of SKY who claim that young master Arthit is an angel. They might be saying that arbitrarily, but the four bodyguards and Beck knew different, that Arthit Rojanapat was indeed an angel.

Arthit kissed Kongpob and hugged him tight in greeting. He greeted Beck as well.

'Good morning Beck. I didn't know you'd be working weekends?' He said.

'Not at all young master Arthit. There was just some urgent matters that needed young master Kongpob's signature. But it's done now. So I'll be leaving.' Beck explained.

'Hmm... OK then. Do you want to stay for breakfast?' Arthit asked, ever the gracious host. but one look at young master Kongpob's expressionless face effectively made Beck kick himself out of the room. 

Arthit watched Beck leave in amusement and turned to his boyfriend who was looking at him with an innocent expression. Arthit laughed and taking Kongpob's face in his hands he rewarded Kongpob with a kiss. Then he set to arrange the breakfast he'd prepared, on the bed table so that they could enjoy it together.

This had been something Arthit had started doing when Kongpob was transferred to the rehabilitation center to recuperate. It's been almost four weeks and since first weekend Arthit had spent every weekend with Kongpob at the rehabilitation center. It was actually quite convenient since on weekends Kongpob was also allowed to take things easy with the rehabilitation therapy. He only had massages and swimming sessions during the weekend and Arthit had accompanied Kongpob for everyone of them. Not that he'd get to do it every weekend but for now Arthit would try his best to free up most of his weekends from work.

After cleaning their breakfast dishes, Arthit accompanied Kongpob for a two hour long swimming session. Except for the instructor who generally oversaw the entire procedure, Arthit took the lead, guiding Kongpob in doing the exercises, which he'd learn from previous visits. Family members of the patient were often encouraged to participate in rehabilitation therapy, since that would improve the patients mental health. Of course nobody questioned Arthit's identity as a family member of Kongpob Suthilak.

After the session of water therapy the instructor had left the two lovers to themselves. Arthit picked Kongpob up and carried him to the locker area. There, seating Kongpob on a bench he helped Kongpob dry himself and get in to dry clothes. Then he too dried himself and changed clothes. Picking Kongpob up, he placed him in the wheelchair and pushed the wheelchair back to the room.

The rehabilitation offered customized treatments and other facilities for people who could pay for it. Kongpob, therefore, had his own quarters separated from the main rehabilitation center facilities. Within these quarters, there was a housing unit consist of a kitchen and living room area, a small semi outdoor pool, a well maintained backyard, sauna, and all other facilities required for treatment. This way their privacy was guaranteed and further reinforced by the four bodyguards stationed outside.

Arthit lifted Kongpob and placed him on the bed. Arthit poured a glass of water for Kongpob and watched until he drank all of it. After drinking some water himself, he got on the bed to lie beside Kongpob hugging him, while Kongpob put his arm around Arthit's shoulder and held him close.

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