Chapter 02

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*A/N People in the club who love Krist, put your hands up!!

Since turning eighteen recently Arthit was able to freely spend the money he earn without having parental guidance. Thankfully his parents brought him up correct. No matter how successful and popular Arthit has gotten within the past two and a half years, his parents kept him grounded and concentrated on the more important things. More important things like family, discipline and education.

So, Arthit carefully considered what he should do with the money he earned. Given that he and his three friends were going to be attending college soon, they needed a place to stay. Even though Arthit stayed in an apartment shared by all his band members, his friends were new to Bangkok. Arthit's company was not thrilled about him staying in the campus dorms and wanted him to get an apartment outside the university. And since Arthit and his friends had to travel almost twelve hours to get home, it was only logical that Arthit buy an apartment for the three of them.

So he did just that. His parents also approved since Arthit is not going to be alone. They also approved of Arthit's decision to not take any money from Prem and Knott. The apartment was adequate for the three and had three bed rooms, two bathrooms and a living room with an open kitchen. The apartment was halfway between Arthit's university and his workplace. It only took him half an hour to reach either places and he even got to live with his friends. An arrangement greatly favored by all the three parental units and even Arthit's agency.

Even though Arthit has been away on tour for the past two months, his friends and all their parents have done a lot to make the apartment as comfortable as possible. Since Arthit was away, he gave free reign to Knott and Prem to decorate his room and even the apartment. And the result was astounding. The three friend had distinct tastes. While they let the three mothers make the living room as comfy as possible their individual rooms were theirs to do as they please. So Prem and Knott did just that.

Prem was very good and photography, it was his passion. But he was also a fitness fanatic. So his room had a combination of two subjects. Knott loved to read and was the artsy type. It wasn't surprise to turn his room to a mini library with the most soothing abstract painting done in all the walls and roof. As for Arthit, his two friends had to figure it out by themselves. So they arranged the master bedroom of the apartment with utmost care. They even made a huge production out of revealing the room to Arthit, only to have Arthit moved to tears by what he saw.

His room was like his every dream come true. One half of his room was adjourned by all the musical instruments and every electric gadget that Arthit owned and worked on to practice and write his music. His drum set, keyboard, octapad, three guitars, mini DJ mixer and all the assorted equipment were arranged expertly. They even bought few items that Arthit was lacking in his collection as a show of their appreciation. One corner of the other half of his room was turned in to a dance floor with the adjacent walls adorned with huge mirrors. The rest of the room took up his bed and wardrobe. What touched Arthit the most was the effort his friends had put into completely soundproofing the entire room. Arthit was more than happy. He was ecstatic. Not only did he get the best room he get to share everything with his best friends.

Today however, the three friends couldn't  relax at the homely apartment. As soon as they entered the apartment, Prem threw his bag across the living room and started pacing up and down in front of the couch. Arthit and Knott took a seat in the couch and kept quiet. Knowing the volatile temper of their longtime friend, they were waiting for him to blow off some steam.

'I mean, can you fucking believe this? What the fuck is that stupid P'Jay think of himself? Is he even thinking for that matter? Sure he is the hazing leader of 2nd year but that doesn't give him any fucking right to give such punishment to Arthit. What wrong did he do? He was absent because he went on a tour with his band promoting their new album. The entire faculty was OK with it. The god damn dean gave him permission. What more do you want? For Arthit to go around asking permission from the entire student body? Does he even know how much our "prestigious" faculty has benefited from having Arthit enroll here? He's been the only celebrity to enroll in this university within the last six years. Oh and let's not forget that Arthit is helping with the cheering squad practices. The time he could have spent to catch up with his lessons, resting, practicing and bloody well earning money. He is willingly sacrificing all that, so he could join the silly activities of the freshmen. Is he recognized for that? Does he get any thanks? Oh no. Now that would be too hard for the seniors, wouldn't it? But punishing him. Sure why not? I mean not like they have anything better to do with their time right? So bloody annoying.' Prem finished with a dramatic kick to the love seat beside the couch. Arthit felt sorry for the chair.

'I have to agree.' Knott started making the other two pay attention to him. Knott was the sane voice of the group. Even though of same age, Knott was more mature and was always the person Arthit and Prem would turn to for advice.

'It is evident that the seniors have a bone to pick with Arthit. Most probably because of who you are. However I think that P'Ell does not have the same agenda as the rest of them. While I can clearly deduct the other seniors have every intention making this punishment as excruciating painful as possible, P'Ell is more about disciplining you. I think P'Ell must have misunderstood Arthit from some incident. I also think that your punishment will not be too overboard if P'Ell is present at the scene. And we can't be too sure of that.'

'Do you expect something bad to happen?' Asked Prem, taking a seat himself.

'I don't expect. I know for certain that those seniors do not have any good intention towards ordering Arthit to do whatever their twisted minds can come up with. So at the least you'll be very embarrassed and at the most....' He trailed off making the two friends feel anxious.

'Finish your sentence Ai'Knott, damn it.' Snapped Prem.

'Well I'm trying not to think about it. But three years ago there was a university student who was admitted to the hospital after trying to commit suicide. According to news articles the student was a film major at KST and he was scouted by a talent agent after placing first on the campus moon competition. So the seniors, who were jealous of that student had punished him multiple times with insane tasks. They had tormented him severely. Both physically and mentally. Finally the student couldn't take it anymore and decided to end his life. Luckily his friend found him at the nick of time and he was rushed to the hospital. He survived.' He finished with a troubled expression. When Arthit made to speak however he hastened to clarify.

'I'm not saying that you would do something as stupid. But there is a strong possibility that these seniors won't stop at just this punishment. They will hound you and torment you to the best of their ability. We need to be extremely cautious. We are not going to be beside you always. It is very likely that they might plan to do something that can harm you. Not only you, but your carrier as well.' Knott said.

The three friends sat in silent contemplation in the living room of Arthit's apartment.

'I think I will face this head on.' Arthit spoke after sometime. Both his friends looked at him. One in concern the other in anger.

'Wait hear me out first.' Arthit said, before either of his friends could talk.

'This situation with the seniors isn't very uncommon. This isn't the first time a senior has misunderstood my attitude towards them. When we were talking today, I got the impression that most of them thought I was being purposefully disrespectful and looking down on them. Believe me when I say that it is a very common attitude among artists as well. We've met too many situations where we had to clear the atmosphere by being extra polite and respectful towards other artists. So I think that this could be an opportunity to show everyone that I am not some stuck up celebrity but a hardworking artist.' Arthit said. Both his friends look suitably impressed with his attitude.

'However, I'm not under any illusion that P'Jay has an ulterior motive for punishing me. And I know I have to be careful. Besides, you two will be with me for tomorrow won't you?' He asked looking at his friends.

'Do you even have to ask?' Said Knott.

'Just try stopping me.' Prem replied.

Arthit laughed. He felt blessed to have friends like Prem and Knott. And he knew that he will get through whatever ordeal awaiting him. He had enough confidence that he could make the seniors see the real him. Not the celebrity they see on TV or internet. But Arthit Rojanapat. The hard working first year music major of KST Arts Faculty. 

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