Chapter 14

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Of course there would be videos. Thought Arthit, exasperated. He has already gotten a rather angry phone call from P'Jane early in the morning. After much groveling and a very long explanation, he was allowed to go back to sleep. But not before he was given specific instruction as to what needs to done from his end. He couldn't have closed his eyes for five minutes when Knott opened the door and called out his name.

'Arthit, P'Forth is here.' Knott said softly, well aware that his friend came home very late and that he must be tired. But it seemed like they already have a problem with the numerous videos online showing what happened in the engineering cafeteria. Especially with the seniors in the video being attacked for manhandling Arthit, when in reality, it was them who saved Arthit. He watched Arthit stumble out of bed and into the bathroom still half a sleep. He closed the door and went to the kitchen where Forth and Prem were arranging breakfast.

Arthit walked in ten minutes later and found the three sitting at the small round breakfast table discussing about what happened yesterday and the online drama around it.

'Oh come on guys. I've had enough of that from P'Jane early morning. Not you too.' Arthit complained loudly sitting between Forth and Knott in the round dining table.

'Oh you are finally here. Did you sleep well?' Asked Forth looking closely at Arthit who was too busy checking the breakfast spread in front of him.

'Hmm... Yes P', but I got home quite late. So, I'm still a little tired. Did you bring all this?' Arthit asked. Forth watched in amusement as Arthit took a selfie with the food, as he nodded in confirmation.

'Wow! Thank you P', your mother must have scolded you a lot, early in the morning.' Arthit said, his look of sympathy as fake as can be. That earned him smack to the back of his head. They ate and chatted for some time, Forth getting to know about his cousins' schedule and classes and upcoming events. He in turn told them about how he met his boyfriend and the ensuing drama.

'Wow P'! You are brave. You even told your parent about P'Beam.' Knott said.

'You are even luckier that your parents accepted you and your boyfriend.' Prem agreed.

'What luck? Aunty probably thinks she finally got a good child in the family.' Scoffed Arthit, earning another smack from Forth.

'You little shit! I'll have you know my mother loves the three of us.' He said.

'But not as much as she loves me.' Arthit countered instantly, sticking out his tongue, mocking Forth.

Forth really couldn't argue that point. He knew his mother loved her own children very much. But whenever Arthit would visit them, she'd shower him with so much attention it was almost painful to see. But then again, all three of them loved their cousin. Arthit had been small and fairer than any of them, making him somewhat of a specialty among all the relatives ever since birth. Since their great grandfather had four children who in turn had twelve children, there were an abundance of relatives. As a child many of the aunts and uncles would comment on how beautiful Arthit was and how he was even more beautiful than the girls in the family. The attention grew when he was signed by GMM and debuted as drummer in SKY. Forth can safely say that their family was Arthit's fans including all four sets of grandparents and twelve sets of parents.

The discussion, invariably, turned to the numerous video uploads and the consequential events. Forth was rather angry and worried with all the comments about the engineering hazers. Surprisingly Arthit was unfazed.

'You guys really shouldn't worry so much. Members of SKY are practically pros at handling these situations. We've been in worst situations and we've managed just fine.' He tried to reassure his cousin and friends.

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