Chapter 29

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It was Saturday morning and Arthit and his parents were busy getting ready to go home. Had things gone according to plan Arthit would have traveled to his home, alone with Kongpob. But now since his parents are already in Bangkok, Kongpob (chauffeur of the day) had two more passengers to commute. Kongpob had planned to continue till Chiang Mai by road after dropping Arthit at his place. Usually Kongpob and his entourage would have taken a domestic flight to Chiang Mai. This time however, Kongpob had insisted that Arthit and he make a road trip till Arthit's place and Kongpob's body guards will join him from there till Chiang Mai.

Yesterday Arthit and his parents had literally kidnapped Kongpob away from his loyal bodyguards after his exams ended. Of course it can be hardly called a kidnapping when the person kidnapped was willing, right? The four had had a relaxing time the whole evening. Starting with a simple lunch at a homely but upscale hot-pot restaurant that ensure diners privacy, they'd wondered around the city in disguise and visited the aquarium followed by Madame Tussauds. Later that evening Arthit had treated his parents and Kongpob with dinner and cruise along the Chao Praya River around Bangkok.  

His parents had enjoyed a day of shopping, sight seeing and relaxing with the two boys. Arthit was happy seeing his parents get along so well with Kongpob. There was no awkwardness and while his parents generally asked after Kongpob's family they did not came across as nosy or obnoxious. In fact from the way Kongpob was behaving, Arthit could tell that he was genuinely enjoying himself. In fact it was the most relaxed Arthit had ever seen of Kongpob. The only other times being when the two of them were alone. 

This lead to Arthit wondering the kind of pressure Kongpob was under as the third young master of the Suthilak Dynasty. Not that he knew much about Kongpob's family business. But from what he'd said about his family and from what his friends and cousin had told him about the Suthilaks, Arthit could well imagine just how many people had their expectations of Kongpob set sky high. However, surprisingly, he'd never felt that P'Kong's mother was a very demanding person. From the one time he'd met the lady, he got the impression of a warm and loving mother and grandmother. Which was a relief for both him and P'Kong.

Arthit was in the living room of his apartment waiting for his parents to get ready for the long journey. Since he'd be back by Monday evening, due to solo album works, Arthit had only packed an overnight bag. Unlike his parents who'd done a lot of shopping for, what felt like, the entire neighborhood. It was just after 8.30 in the morning when Arthit heard the doorbell. 

'Mom... Dad.. P'Kong is hear.' Arthit shouted while going to open the door. However when he opened the door with a big smile of welcome, it was San and Monty who was at the door. His smile dimming slightly Arthit looked behind them.

'Young master asked us to get Young master Arthit and your parents. Young master is getting geared up and sends his apologies for not coming personally to get you and your parents.' Monty said sounding extremely professional. Arthit gave a light chuckle.

'Relax Monty. Come on in, I'll get my parents.' So saying Arthit turned around and led the two men in to the living room. His father was already in the living room with their hundreds of packed shopping bags and his mother was just closing the door to his bedroom.

'Good morning sir and madam are these all your luggage?' Monty asked Arthit's parents.

'Good morning. Sure it is young man. Where is your ward?' Arthit's father asked. Arthit didn't know why but his father had insisted in calling the four body guards as young men for some reason. 

'Young master Kongpob is getting geared up and sent us to get you. If this is all there is shall we proceed?' Monty asked. Then, ignoring the questioning looks of the two adults the two bodyguards picked up all the luggage and directed them to the elevator. The family of three followed them and was surprised to see the elevator climbing up instead of going down.

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