Chapter 04

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*A/N Warning, offensive language.

'What the fuck?' Exclaimed Sharp, making Prem and Knott look at him in worry.

'What the fuck happened? Why the fuck is that bastard hugging that little piece of shit?' Jay said in a lower voice so that only the four of them could hear. He didn't want the juniors know that they were filming Arthit.

'I have no fucking idea. But it looks like they know each other from somewhere.' Prize said quietly. The four shared worried looks.

Jay was more angry than worried. This was supposed be excellent plot of revenge on both Arthit and Forth. Not only will that little celebrity shit get in to trouble over the video that is to be released to the media, he was supposed to get it from the engineering bastards as well. Forth was known to be a douche to anyone with a romantic interest in him. This should ideally have gone either of two ways. One Arthit would have been humiliated and beaten by those engineering bastards or two he should've been fucked like the little hoe he is. Either ways, Arthit was supposed to be ruined by a scandal and along with that douche Forth and his lackeys.

But now, looking at the two hugging and acting all chummy, the plan seemed to have miserably failed. While Jay didn't suppose Arthit would give out their names, he was still mad that his plan didn't work.

'Dude this doesn't look good at all. What if we are caught? It's going to be like the first year sports festival all over again.' Catch said with worry.

There was a reason why they targeted Forth for this. One, he was sure to fuck Arthit sideways and two, they had some left over business with the sophomore hazing gang of engineering, for stealing their girls and winning by cheating at the sports festival. Also it didn't sit well with Jay that after the sports festival the Arts gang couldn't beat Forth. Even with twenty people ganging up on the five engineering dogs, they were left to eat dust. Their fights had continued throughout the year but never once had they won over those douche bags. It also didn't help that the Arts guys were banned from their favorite club for starting a fight with Forth and gang but the club still allowed entry to those dogs because they came with better connections, more dough and fancy last names.

'What is their relationship anyway? Do you suppose they are a thing?'

'It doesn't look like it. Baramee is not throwing a bitch fit. That should mean they aren't an item.'

'What the fuck man, we planned all these for nothing. Do you have any fucking idea how hard it was to install that camera? Now all that will be for nothing.'

'Don't worry about that we'll get some material out of this. Not everything will be wasted.'

'Forget the friggin' material, Jay. The moment that little piece of shit open his mouth, we are done for. By the looks of it Forth knows Arthit. In fact I'd bet my next meal on that.' Prize said. The other seniors except Jay were looking pretty freaked out.

'Won't you stop it you pussies? Have you forgotten that Arthit is our junior and we've already instructed to keep our names out of it? So what if the little shit spill the beans? We are the sophomore Arts hazing team. We have every right to discipline our juniors who does not fall with the spirit of our faculty. We are responsible for our first years, not the engineering dogs. What do you think will happen to them if they make things personal? We get leverage.' Jay snapped at his friends making everybody put breaks on their personal panic attacks.

'Oh look the little shit is going to sing.' Prize pointed to the screen making everybody pay attention. Arthit was sitting on the table facing Forth while holding the guitar.

'Umm.. Excuse me P', are you by any chance monitoring Arthit?' The senior boys looked up in surprise to see Knott and Prem looking at them in curiosity. Their juniors cannot find out about the video. They had to think fast and deflect their attention.

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