Chapter 05

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*A/N It's rather long but what the hell. 

Due to the abrupt move Arthit felt slightly disoriented when he faced him. At first all he registered was the identical black bottomless pools that seemed to invite him to dive in deeper and get lost in them. Before he could even collect his thoughts, the owner of those beautiful eyes took his guitar in one hand his hand in the other and started pulling him away from the crowd and the cafeteria.

Arthit glanced down. The hand holding his was tanned. The comparison was striking. Arthit also noticed that the hand was well groomed. The nails cut short and were kept clean. The long tanned fingers curled around his much fairer wrist made it look almost fragile. The bare forearm looked powerful and sinewy. Arthit slowly trailed his eyes upwards. The jacket covered a broad back. The collar ended about two inches short of his hairline. Even his neck muscles looked powerful. His hair was kept short at the back but Arthit remembered that he had few strands falling on to his forehead.

Arthit again looked at his wrist. Clearly this man was someone who can use force but right now his wrist was being deliberately held gently. Even though he was being pulled to god knows where, his hand was held extremely carefully. Arthit, who has had bodyguards, managers and even some crazy fans pull him everywhere, knew for certain that this person intended no harm. So he let that person lead the way, knowing that if he had intended harm he wouldn't have called for Forth and the gang to follow them.

He was also curious. He hadn't had a good look at this person's face earlier. But whatever little he saw was enough to keep him intrigued and wanting to find out more. He also remembered how Forth and his friends, including Beam, had stood in attention when this person had made an appearance. So clearly he was a formidable person to make the sophomore head hazer of engineering act like that. He briefly wondered if this was what his seniors were aiming for, to get him in to trouble with this person. But his mind immediately rejected that idea seeing as how gently his wrist was being held by this person.


Meanwhile at the cafeteria the four Arts sophomores watched the entire scene with growing bewilderment. Even Jay was looking a little worried by now.

'What the hell? Who was that?'

'Most importantly why did Forth follow him like a puppy?'

'Is there someone above Forth in Engineering?'

'I don't know. I've never heard any such thing.'

'What the hell Jay? What do we do now?' Prize asked. All three sophomores turned towards their leader. Jay too was not sure what was going on. But now he had to act according to the situation.

'I'm not sure what exactly is going on. I didn't know Forth had a boss. Remember no matter what we are the sophomore hazing team and we have authority over disciplining our juniors. Other faculties have no say in it. Let's calm down and go to our classes. We'll gather tonight at my place and see what we can do with the video. But Catch should first remove the camera from the engineering cafeteria. Can you go alone or do you need someone else?'

'It's better if I go alone. The job will be easier.' Catch said closing the laptop.

'Good then I'll handle these two. You guys go to your classes first.' Jay said. Catch, Prize and Sharp got up and left while Jay rounded on the two juniors.

'Why the hell isn't your friend here yet? The lunch break is almost over and we have classes.' Jay snapped at Prem and Knott, sounding irritated. The two juniors simply lowered their heads. Jay pretended to check the time.

'What the hell is so great about being a celebrity if you can't do such a simple thing? Anyway, come find us as soon as your friend make an appearance. Take your phones and get lost.' With that Jay left the cafeteria leaving the two friends behind.

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