Chapter 27

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Author (hides behind a rock, takes out the white flag and wave while throwing olive branches) -I'm sorry but life does not allow one to breath sometimes.


'Surprise!' They cried out, as they saw the three boys entering the apartment. Arthit simply stared, dumbstruck and open mouthed, for a whole minute, at the familiar faces.

'Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?'


Five people were seated around the small dining table in Arthit's apartment, three friends and Arthit's parents. Sure it was a little crowded and people kept bumping elbows half the time but there was a lot of love and laughter going around to more than compensate for that.

The three boys have had an exhausting week and were more than ready to lie back and relax. So Mrs. Rojanapat has gone to town with preparing a feast for the three boys to enjoy. And now the three boys sat leaning back trying to breath through the food that seemed to have filled them up to their throats. 

Mrs. Rojanapat stood up to collect the dishes and her husband followed her, depositing the dirty dishes. It was an absolute rule in Rojanapat household that the kids would do the dishes after dinner. As Arthit was an only child, since he could hold a heavy plate without dropping it, he'd washed the dishes every day he was home. The best part was, his friends were no exception when they visited Arthit's place. At Rojanapat house, the kids, whether they were relatives or friends, will do the dishes and clean the kitchen after dinner. 

So while Mr. and Mrs. Rojanapat's backs were turned a game of rock, paper, scissors was being carried out between the three friends. It didn't conclude since  Mrs. Rojanapat caught them at it and demanded that all three boys get on with cleaning, adding the promise of dessert to sweeten the deal.

That was enough to get Prem moving out of his chair and towards the kitchen sink. After few seconds Knot followed with drying and stacking the plates and dishes, automatically leaving Arthit to wipe the table, kitchen counter and sweep the floor. While the three boys were laboring away Arthit's dad took out two mugs to prepare green tea for Mrs. Rojanapat and himself. While all the men were doing their designated duty, the unofficial head of household, Mrs. Rojanapat, went to the living room, comfortably sat on the sofa and put her feet up on the coffee table, as she rightfully deserve after all the trouble she went to feeding the men.

Prem and Knott finished quickly and joined Mr. and Mrs. Rojanapat at the living room for a chat. Both boys were each enjoying a bowl of fruit trifle, which Mrs. Rojanapat has prepared for the three boys while Arthit was putting away the garbage. The cleaning was taking a longer time since the apartment will be empty for at least three weeks, courtesy to mid term vacations.

Just when Arthit was putting away the garbage the door bell rang making Arthit freeze. He quickly stood up from his squatting position. Prem and Knot stilled for a fraction of a second before looking at Arthit with raised eyebrows. Arthit felt a chill running down his spine. It can't be his boyfriend right? He'd informed P'Kong about his parent's surprise visit and specifically asked him to not come. 

Not because Arthit didn't want his parents to meet his boyfriend. Because the way things are progressing between the two of them, it's more than likely that his parents will be calling Kongpob Suthilak, son in law. Just not yet. He wasn't ready for his parents to know that he's in a relationship and that his relationship was with a boy.

Quickly schooling his expression to one of surprised curiosity, Arthit closed the dustbin and walked to the living room. 

'I wander who it could be at this time at this time of night?' Arthit said looking towards his friends. Prem and Knot understood instantly, being best friends.

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