Chapter 12

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*A/N Cute or What? ☝ and another rather long chapter, but whatever right?

Arthit was beat. After the emotional whirlwind he's been through in the afternoon, practice had felt extra tiring today. P'Pup, lead singer and rhythm guitarist, had even commented on it. All the members worried if  going to college was too much for the youngest member. Arthit felt that it was ridiculous for them to think like that. All the four SKY members had been students when they debuted. Pup was 20 and a junior in college, Lamon and Saom were 18 and sophomores in college and Arthit was 15 and a high school sophomore. All of them went through a vicious cycle of school and career. But they all powered on with determination. So it was, according to Arthit, quiet ridiculous for them to feel that way.

It should be because Arthit was the youngest that certain circumstances were stacked against him. While he was enrolled in a regular high school, for the most part he was absent from the student life. It was the same for his members as well. But Arthit felt that Pup, Lamon and Saom all had more freedom than he did. They were all legally adults and only Arthit was stuck in their dorm. He also deducted that it was because they were in college and not in high school. So this year when Arthit managed to get in to KST with his best friends, he was more than happy. He was elated. Not only did he get to live in his own apartment, for the first time he didn't have a curfew.

It was also why Arthit was doubly determined to not let anyone ruin this experience for him. He knew that he couldn't control the way others think. All he can do is be the best version of himself and let the others decide for themselves. All his other members graduated college successfully. He was there with them at their graduations and he wanted the same thing for himself. He'd also witnessed firsthand how much the other three developed as solo artists due to the higher education they got. Sure he'd done some producing of his own and he also had developed as an artist. But still he felt that his seniors had an advantage over him. 

Arthit reclined the seat and closed his eyes. Arthi's manager, Jane looked at the tired boy through the rear view mirror. He shared the same thoughts as the rest of the SKY members and the staff. Arthit looked very tired. Maybe they should give him a break. Especially since coming from the tour, all Arthit had done was go back to school while the others had some time to rest. It's nothing new for the members to juggle so many things. But given that Arthit was the only one to still go to college, he seemed to be having a hard time adjusting.

'Is something bothering you Arthit?' Jane asked casually. Arthit didn't open his eyes.

'Hmm... No P'Jane I'm fine. Just a little tired maybe.' Jane looked carefully at the boy. Jane had known Arthit since he was scouted by their agency. At twelve years old, Arthit was an adorably shy child. He was extremely talented and was rumored to be a prodigy. He was polite and very hardworking and that made everyone immediately like him. It wasn't hard to manage him at all. Jane knew for a fact that Arthit was the main reason why he loved his job. Jane had watched Arthit grow from an awkward caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly that captivated the entire world with his talent. It didn't hurt that the kid was very good looking. 

'I know you didn't have a proper rest after the world tour. And I'm sorry about that. After next week, you are all going to be less busy. Just hold on till then Ok.' Jane said looking at Arthit. He smiled, but didn't open his eyes.

'Sure P'. I think I'll go on a trip with my friends. I haven't had quality time with them in forever.' 

'Do you want me to look into some places N'Arthit?'

'No need P'. I'll just ask my friends to take care of it.' Arthit said.

'Oh and did I tell you that I met P'Forth?' Arthit asked suddenly.

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