21. Its been over a week and it hurts

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Word Count: 821 words
It's been way too long that Jimin wasn't in the dorms. During his hotel stay, Jimin walked around not caring about how he doesn't even eat. He literally lives off on iced coffee or water to just to keep him alive. He mostly went to the park or just stayed at the hotel. He wrote a few diary entries as usual and letters to help with his mental kunfusion (I'm sorry yet again. I just need to cheer you up with some horrible puns from other groups). He hated himself and his strive for perfection has gotten even stronger ever since Danger era. Jimin looked at himself in the mirror. He looked extremely thin. His cheeks were really sunken. His eyes had no happiness in them. His ribs showed. His spine was protruding. His legs look like they're about to break any minute if he walks or runs too fast. His arms look so weak that his extremely thin wrists might snap. His booty also faded away. His legendary thighs were gone. Abs were replaced by protruding ribs. His hair looked like a tragedy. He was losing hair while he was losing his weight. He can't wait to weigh himself back at the dorm. He grabbed his little bag and checked out.

Once he checked out he decided to take a long ass ride (sorry again) this time instead of a long ass run because of how tired he felt. He can break in any moment now. He's literally made out of glass. His legs would give on him. He would then pass out and get hospitalised. He would be then be put on a special diet for him to gain weight. He didn't want that so he decided to ride the train.

After a few hours, he's back again. He then gets a taxi to drive him near the dorm just for the sake of the taxi being a potential saesang. So he told the taxi driver in his acting voice to go the street nearby the dorm. They went off to the destination Jimin told them. They soon arrived at the address and he walked all the way back. He opened the door but it was empty???
He walked in and went to his shared room to put his stuff away. He put his clothes in the wash and decided to weigh himself again.

He went to the bathroom and takes off his clothes. He then hops onto the scale and the scale reads just over 40kg. His frame looked scary but he didn't care. Jimin then got off the scale and went back to his shared room to go to sleep.

Meanwhile, his members went out for a walk at the park to play with Yeontan just to distract themselves from the situation . They then decided to go back to the dorm. They were surprised by a sight, they found Jimin sleeping and he looked so fragile he looked even thinner than the last time they saw him. He looked like he was made of glass. Concern washed over the members and Jin went up to hug him. Jin cried  because of how thin he looked and how tired he was. Jungkook broke down causing Yoongi to hug him and also break down. Hoseok hugged the crying Jungkook and Yoongi. Namjoon went to Jin and Jimin and hugged them. Taehyung cried along with Yoongi, Jungkook and Hoseok. Everyone was crying but Jimin never knew. He was in a deep sleep. The crying members eventually passed out.

Jimin woke up feeling a warmth and he looked down to see Namjin hugging him. Jimin smiled at his Namjin because of their beautiful features. Jimin thinks he's the ugly fat guy in the group. Everyone was perfect to him. He then hugged back the members and put his head on them. Jin woke up and saw a cute but heart shattering sight. Jimin's head on him while he was hugging him back. But he looked so thin. He was beautiful but looks like he can break. His muscles were no more. His clothes were hanging off him even more. Jimin was basically sized out. His clothes already hung off him because he buys clothes way too large due to his insecurity. Jimin looked tired and uneasy. That broke Jin down again, catching Jimin's attention and waking Namjoon up. Jimin let Jin cry on him again while Namjoon awed at the sight. Namjoon was broken down. They were worried sick about Jimin everyday. But Jimin didn't even care about how weak he was. He just wanted to be thin. But his body is way too thin for an adult man. They just sat there hugging into each other's embrace, missing Jimin so much that it hurts.

Like the tiny dust, tiny dust floating in the air
Will I get to you a little faster
If I was the snow in the air

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