9.Rest Hyung

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Word Count: 555 words
Jimin woke up and was about to pick up his duffel bag until Jungkook stopped him. "Hyung, we have a day off today so you can rest so that you have energy for our comeback and not faint like when you were practising with us"."Kookie, I must dance perfectly because I am the main dancer," Jimin complained. "Hyung, don't you think you are too tired and need to rest? You literally practise longer than all of us and barely get any sleep!" Jungkook told Jimin."Anyways I'm the golden maknae so I have to practise hard too but yet you practise even more than I do and I practise a lot," Jungkook notifies Jimin. "Kookie i have to go now" Jimin exclaimed.

Jimin grabs his duffel bag and ran to the studio to practise. He practises a lot even on day offs and Jungkook is starting to worry because his Hyung overworks himself everyday and didn't rest properly for the past few months. Jimin wakes up early and sleeps very late. And I'm top off that he barely eats. It has been 10 days since he ate and his stomach growled but Jimin ignores the fact that he didn't eat for 10 days and just brushed it off his shoulder and takes it very lightly like it's nothing to worry about even though eating disorders and fainting are very serious and if you continue your unhealthy disordered eating you'll die.

Jungkook cried again because he felt lonely and texted Jimin because he missed him. "Hyung, please rest and come back him even though you want to dance for hours, you need to rest" Jungkook texted. When Jimin got a notification he read the text sent by "Kookie Maknae Jeon Jungkookie". He kept dancing for another hour until Jungkook arrived at the studio. He watches Jimin dance and his frail body move. He is really talented boy that can dance and sing. He is also a very helpful, cute and kind loving person. He can turn from cute to sexy in a fraction of second. Jimin dances to "LIE" and Jungkook noticed that the song and choreography suits his mindset. The meaning of the song matches his struggles with his body image and eating habits. When Jimin sings the line "caught in a lie"  it means he has been caught lying and he can't get out of his lie the same way as he can't get out of his negative thoughts. The lines " I can't get out of this lie" really does describe Jimin's mindset. The high notes, his voice, choreography, song and short clip and even the title itself ready gives a clue that it is a dark song because it is a dark song. Jungkook then tells Jimin to follow him until they have arrived back at the dorm. Jimin asks Jungkook why is he going home and Jungkook replied that you are going to rest no matter what as long as you are a good health both physically and mentally.

When they have arrived back at the dorm, Jungkook walks to his bedroom and lays Jimin down on his bed and cuddles his his to sleep. A few minutes later, Jimin fell asleep. "You're already perfect to begin with, Jimin" Jungkook whispered before sleeping.

"Tell me like you're whispering in my ear"

Caught in a lie (Jikook) [On Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now