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Word Count: 894 words
Jimin fell into a bathtub filled with water while wearing a white button up top and black pants. A few moments later he woke up in a hospital bed next to another hospital bed but it was empty. He realised the bathtub he fell in was the same tub he filled up with water a while ago and tried to drown himself out of his thoughts. He burnt a note and he got out of the bathtub crying. Then he faced to the left and saw pills which were most likely antidepressants and another scene with him and Hoseok throwing pillows at each other. Jimin grabbed a pillow and threw it and stared at the feathers and smiled because of the memories with Hoseok.

Jimin then started to dance as the walls of the room contract as he couldn't get out. He can't run away, he can't escape, there was no one around, he needed someone to save him but he can't. It's almost like Jimin fell into a trap and can't get out. Jimin then heard an angelic voice singing his solo song and the lyrics " Whoever it may be, save me, me save me
It continues even when I run away
I am caught in a lie
Caught in a lie
Find me when I was pure
I can't be free from this lie
Give me back my smile
Caught in a lie
Pull me from this hell
I can't be free from this pain
Save me, I am being punished"

Jimin then saw the piano get burnt and it reminded him of Min Yoongi playing the piano. Jimin then was sitting on a white chair in a white room with a painting on the wall and a camera filming him. He saw the first symbol and he shrugs, the second symbol made him look down and the third one made him look up. He then saw an apple drop into water. Jimin had no idea what's going on but he realised the first symbol was Jungkook's, the second one was his and third one was Hoseok's. Jimin also knew about the apple too. It dropped in the water like he was losing his appetite. He hadn't
eaten in 10 days and didn't even mind the pain in his stomach. He saw himself bite into an apple and stared at that scene. Jimin wondered what the apple scene meant but he then realised the Adam and Eve theory about the forbidden fruit. A few moments later, Jimin was now back at the hospital bed with the angelic voice again and still he couldn't get out. Why is he back at the room? He tried to get out but he is at another scene. He wore all black and saw hands covering up a handsome guy's face. He then suddenly got blind folded by someone he knew but he can't process it because of the situation. He tried to reach out and escape but he couldn't. He then got the blind fold off and there was a green tear running down on one of his eyes. The hands covering a mysterious guy's face he saw earlier now was the same guy kissing a statue. The statue then cracked with colour and cried green while he saw Hoseok with the coloured water splashing. Jimin realised the handsome guy was Jin and the guy who blind folded him was Yoongi. He then cried and saw a mirror with a flower but in the mirror it showed a different flower with Jin and another statue shattering.
Jimin was questing by now why is he crying green until he realised that Namjoon was drinking Absinthe earlier after seeing Yoongi in the same room he got blind folded at and was kneeling with him before that scene happened. Jimin wondered why Namjoon drank Absinthe but now he's hallucinating like he drank it but he didn't. But Jimin realised this was a only a dream. Jimin then screamed in his dream because he can't get out and because the bathtub. Jimin then saw everything now. He saw the apple, the bathtub, green tears, statue, kissing, hands, blind folded, dancing, contracting walls, burning piano, pills, burnt note, water, camera, the symbols, hospital beds, pillows, painting, escaping, Absinthe, coloured water splashing, his bandmates, mirror reflecting a different flower, himself falling, his clothes and many more. He heard the angelic voice that sound familiar to him, his song and Yoongi playing the piano. Jimin cried and tried to escape but he still can't because he was blind folded again, the walls were contracting again and the music with the angelic voice played again as his muscle get strained due to overworking, malnourishment and his weak body. His muscles ached and he couldn't take it anymore. Jimin cried again as more green tears go down his hollow cheeks, Jimin then tastes a bitter strong alcohol taste and realised now he was drinking Absinthe. Wasn't Namjoon drinking Absinthe? Jimin got even more confused. He then felt something in his throat. Did he just sallow the pills? Then Jimin felt another shud and fell into the bathtub with water with the same white button up top and black pants and woke up at the hospital bed again.

He then realised he was definitely caught in a lie and he couldn't escape

"Caught in a lie"

Caught in a lie (Jikook) [On Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now