All because of Him

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Piper's POV
That boy ruined everything. I was sitting alone near the lake with my demolished possession in my hands. It was supposed to be a present for my dad after all we have been through, after the passing of mom, after all the pains dad had been through.

I wanted to see dad happy by gifting him a big photo frame full of all the sweet memories of the past, all the beautiful moments of our lives. But it was spoilt again. First by that so called prince who doesn't know anything about his own kingdom, the reason of our poverty and helplessness. And now by another boy. Boys are pathetic!!

Now that I had wasted all my money in the gift, I didn't have a penny to buy food for my dad and me both. So either of us had to stay hungry for a day. I can't afford my dad to go to bed without food as he is already very ill. Dad had always been a good support for me, atleast after mom was gone.
He had spend years in depression, I can't see him sad now.

I decided to miss my diner for a day even though my stomach was rumbling badly.
I looked at the watch on my wrist, the only luxury I had. According to my daily routine, I had only a few minutes before my class at the charity school starts.

I stood up, telling my mind to stay strong even though I knew I couldn't. It thought about all the children I was going to teach, I can't let them feel the same way as me. There is no way they are going to suffer, I decided.


I returned home and saw dad laying on the bed as always. " Dad! I'm home. I got the food. Come on, you can have it" I said.

" Hey, Pipes you are home!!"only this was what he could manage to say.

I served the food in a plate with a knife and a spoon, the only utensils there in the house.

I help dad to get up and sit.

I gave him the food and knelt beside his bed. He was extremely elated to see his favourite dishes lying in front of him. Though my stomach was aching of hunger but I was able to restrain the pain by seeing the glimmer in his eyes.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when dad said," Pipes, why are you not eating anything? Where is your food. "

I knew him too well. If I told him the truth, he won't eat anything which will adversely affect his health. I just can't afford to lose him. So I did what my instincts asked me to do.

" Oh Dad, actually I had already had my diner as I was feeling really tired and exhausted. I am really sorry. "I lied.

I looked up at him, I saw hurt in his eyes. But when he saw me staring at him, he just smiled and said, " Oh dear, it's ok. You can do whatever you want. "

I wanted to cry. I collected myself and stood up. " Hmm.... Dad I am going to bed. Today was such a exhausting day!! " I gave him a goodnight kiss and  quickly arranged the mattress in the floor and went under the covers.

And that night, I cried with all my heart for lying, for hurting my dad, for being an atrocious daughter. And this all happened all because of him.

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