Chapter 29

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Sam sighed, setting down the red loom that looked tiny in his large hands. He leaned his forehead on one of his hands, propping the weight up on the table. 

"Shit," he huffed. 

Dean furrowed his brows. "Is this about work?" 

Sam chuckled hollowly. "Isn't it always?" Dean exhaled purposefully. 

"I think you should quit." 

Sam looked up at him. 

"No." Was all he said. 


"No, Dean, I can't just quit, how are we going to support ourselves without my job? How are we going to pay for the house?" Sam asked, clearly upset. 

"I know, I didn't mean it like that." Dean struggled to find the right words. 

"Well what did you expect me to say? Yes?" He said, losing some steam. 

Dean looked at him earnestly. "Just, don't completely rule out other options. You can choose something else. This isn't worth your happiness." 

"Yeah, I'll think about it." Sam shook his head dejectedly.

Dean slapped his hands on the table and stood up energetically. 

"Now, how about we get dinner started?" 


Long after the last bell rang on Friday afternoon, Dean packed up his usual stack of weekend grading, humming some unknown song from one of the many playlists Castiel had made him. 

He shut the door behind him on the way out, locking up and heading off to what he assumed was a particularly boring Easter three-day weekend. While he had considered asking Castiel to meet up, he hadn't quite thought of how or what he planned to ask yet. 

I wonder if he's busy...? 

He doesn't exactly seem like the sunday service and brunch type.

He heard faint footsteps behind him, and assuming it was a straggling student, he made sure to nudge his path a little to the left to avoid them. A pair of hands suddenly on his shoulders made him jump, and he knew then who had approached. 

"Hey." Cas said, bouncing on the balls of his feet. 

Dean grinned. "You scared me," Cas matched his pace as they continued down the empty corridor. 

He smirked. "Did I?"

"I thought some rugged young ruffian had come to steal my chapter 5 reading assignments." Dean said, nudging him with his elbow. "Turns out I was right." 

Castiel laughed. 

"Hey, I have a question." He said slowly, drawing out the vowels quirkily. 


Cas hesitated. "Ok so, we have a three-day weekend coming up annnnddd I was kind of wondering if maybe you wanted to do something?" He said, the end of the phrase going up inquisitively. 

Dean smiled. "I'd love to." 

"I was thinking we could go out of town? Not too far obviously, but we could take a day trip? Maybe go see some nature and shit. Have a picnic?" 

"Nature and shit?" Dean laughed. 

"Are you making fun of me?" Cas asked jokingly, hitting the crash bar on the doors leading to the parking lot, holding it open for Dean. 

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