Chapter 5

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"And that'd be Charlie." Cas said, laughing.

"CASTIEL FUCKING NOVAK. IF I WEREN'T STRAIGHT AS SILLY STRING I'D FUCK YOU RIGHT NOW YOU VISUAL PIECE OF TIRAMISU", a voice rang out into the large cafeteria. Cas walked through the tables, following the shrieking of Charlie to guide his way. Jo could barely contain her laughter as she ran over to the table.

"It's nice to see you too, Charles." He smiled, setting down his bag.

"Gimme a 360." She said excitedly. He held his arms out and did a little spin as he was told. Jo and Charlie whistled and clapped, nodding at each other.

"Very nice choice, Charles. Expert eye. The fit it is excellent." Jo said, golf clapping and giving Charlie a low, slow, acknowledging nod. Charlie bowed.

"Thank you, my good lady, I suppose I AM the master of birthdays." She giggled.

"Yes you are, and thank you for the shirt. As you can see, it's done me well." Cas said, sitting down, and ushering the other two to follow suit.


Dean strolled down the hall, on his way to the office, bundle of papers tucked under his arm. After grading papers over his lunch period, he was very thankful to have a free fifth block. As he entered the mail room, he saw Gabriel casually flipping through envelopes in front of his mail slot.

"Hey, Gabe." Dean said casually, walking over to his own mail slot.

"S'up." Gabe replied, shoving his mail back into the space below his name.

"Don't you have a class right now...?" Dean asked, looking at him as he took his mail.

"Yeah, but I put everyone into sectionals because I don't feel like teaching. You wanna come hang out during your free block?" Gabe moved towards the door.

Dean considered for a moment.

He shrugged. "Hey, why not?"

"Nice." Gabe said as he ushered Dean out the door and took his place beside him as they walked.


"Alright, so what are we doing today?", Garth said, plugging the aux cable attached to his amp into his bass.

After all Cas's band mates had gotten over his new and different appearance, they had begun to settle into the room and pull out instruments.

"Work on originals?", Balthazar, who was currently sitting behind his drum kit, suggested.

"Eeeehhh, it's the first day of practice, I just wanna jam." Ash shrugged and looked at Cas for backup.

"Yeah, we can write next time, let's just do a cover today. Does that sound good?" He looked around. Everyone nodded, seemingly in agreement.

"Yeah, that's cool with me." Garth said.

Castiel thought back to when they had first started. Garth, Ash, and Balthazar had all began hanging out in the music rooms at lunch throughout the first semester to practice (really because they didn't have any friends), and Jo and Charlie had a different lunch period from Cas, so he trudged down to the orchestra room in hopes of hanging out with his brother, maybe even pull out his viola. They all slowly started noticing each other, eventually forming their ragtag little band and going on to kick ass at every school concert or talent show in the years to come.

"So, what song? I was thinking maybe a little 1975?" Cas asked, looking at his compatriots.

"YOU GUYS. Greta? Please?" Ash exclaimed, glancing hopefully at Garth and Balthazar.

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