Chapter 9

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"Hey, Dean."

"Did you check it out? Can you come back?" Dean asked, looking over at Jess washing dishes in the quaint southwestern style kitchen.

"It's gonna be a long night, you should head home. Tell Jess not to wait up for me." Sam sighed, obviously annoyed at having to go in on his night off.

"Why? Is everything okay?" He said, lowering his voice, not wanting to worry Jess.

"Oh, yeah, everything's fine. It's just a bunch of drunk high school kids which means a lot of paperwork, phone calls, and angry parents. I just found Jo's best friend nearly passed out on the floor." Dean froze.

"Castiel?" He said quietly.

"I tried to get him to tell me his sister's number so she could pick him up before the other guys get here and I have to report him, but that was a no go. She's gonna be pissed." Sam sighed. "Well hey, I gotta go-"

"I'm on my way." Dean cut him off, grabbing his keys.

"What? Dean-" He hung up, shrugging on his jacket.

"Hey, is Sam coming home?" Jess said, walking out of the kitchen.

"Nah, he's gonna be out for a while. He said not to wait up." She nodded. "I'm gonna head out, but thank you for dinner, it was lovely." He said, kissing her on the cheek.

"Alright, take care. You should come over again soon! Sam and I love having you." She said, opening the door. He stepped out into the cool night air.

"I will! See you on Monday!" He said, getting into the Impala and waving through the window. She waved back, pulling her sweater tighter around herself as she watched him drive off.


Dean pulled up to the only house he found on I-70 with a cop car (and countless other civilian vehicles) out front and got out, shutting the door behind him. He jogged up the dirt path to the open front door. He saw Sam inside, inspecting the teenagers laying around the living room. He looked up, saw his brother, and walked over to him.

"Dean, what are you doing here? Why'd you hang up on me?" He said, confused.

"I'll take Cas home, I know where he lives. No need to bother his siblings." Dean said, an image of Gabriel strangling him to death fresh in his mind.

"How do you know that...?" Sam said, looking at him skeptically.

"I've picked Jo up from there a few times." He lied, hoping Sam believed him.

"Well, alright, just be quick so the other units don't get here before you leave." Sam shrugged, resuming his search. Dean breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, he's over there, in the kitchen." Sam remembered and pointed in that direction. Dean nodded.


Dean walked over, seeing Castiel slumped against the kitchen island, eyes closed, lips slightly parted. He gulped. He shook the smaller boys shoulder gently.

"Hey, Cas," he said. No response. "Cas, wake up, we need, to go." Nothing.

Fuck it.

Dean exhaled in frustration and gently slid an arm under Castiel's legs, and shimmied another one around his back. He braced himself, slowly and carefully lifting the sleeping boy until he was upright, Castiel curling up in his arms. He walked down to the living room, nodding at Sam before turning to the door.

"Drive safe. Let me know when you're both home." Sam said, shaking a blonde girl's shoulder. Dean stepped through the door and made his way down the driveway, attempting to be both fast and very gentle at once in an attempt not to jostle Cas.

Smoking In the Boys Room // DestielМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя