Chapter 30

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(Play Circles by Pierce the Veil for clear skin bless ✨🌸💕✨💕✨💕🌸✨)

"Okay, okay, just give it a shot." Castiel said, laughing.

Dean rolled his eyes. "What is this again?"

"Pierce The Veil! They're like, quintessential scene." Cas answered, gaping at his lack of knowledge.

"How was I supposed to know that?" Dean exclaimed, laughing.

"They were HUGE when you were in high school!" Castiel said, throwing his arms up in exasperation.

The sun shone brightly and glinted off the glossy surface of the Impala as it sped down the highway. The duo drove through the Kansas countryside, passing lush green expanses of farmland, corn whizzing past the windows.

Dean laughed. "I wasn't exactly up to date when I was in high school. The 'in' crowd was not my scene."

"Oh so it WASN'T super cool to recite Shakespeare? I would have never guessed!" Cas teased, cackling at Dean's bitch face.

"Who's this guy?" Dean asked, gesturing at the stereo as the vocalist began singing.

"Vic Fuentes. He's a legend, he's like, top ten scene vocalists."

Dean nodded, impressed. "He sounds pretty good. A little whiney, if anything."

Cas chuckled at that. "It's an acquired taste."

He looked over at Dean. His honey blonde hair blew gently in the breeze from the slightly open drivers-side window, shining like gold in the midday sun. His tanned skin was radiant, freckles sprinkled over his nose and a sun-kissed color that contrasted Castiel's own starkly.

Dean lacked his usual white button-down and slacks combo on this breezy Sunday afternoon, instead in his off-duty uniform of a worn-out old band tee, jeans, and soft leather jacket. Currently, that jacket was tossed across the backseat of the Impala, as the warm weather permitted him to put his muscular arms on display.

His green eyes sparkled as he glanced over at Castiel, smiling warmly. It made the teenagers heart skip a beat. He might've looked normal to anyone else, but to Castiel, he was nearly luminous.

"I love you." Castiel said softly in the direction of Dean's perfect profile, brushing his thumb across their intertwined hands.

Today, they were in their own world, untouchable. Though the problems of real life remained, the warm, late-spring air running past them evaporated anything but us.


Cas slammed the trunk of the Impala shut and slung the bag he had packed this morning over his shoulder. He shuffled back to where Dean sat on a blanket and gazed out over a field of dandelions. He turned to Cas as the younger boy sat down, his hair blowing over his face in the early spring breeze. He unzipped the bag and took out a couple of Tupperware containers. He was about the hand Dean one of them when he quickly retracted it.

"Ok, I'm not much of a cook, so you can't judge me if it's bad!" He gave Dean a warning look, guarding his container.

Dean opened his mouth in mock surprise. "Ah, have I found the one thing Castiel Novak is not good at?"

Cas glared at him.

"Shut the fuck up!" Dean laughed at this. "You know what? No, you don't even deserve this sandwich!" He pulled it closer to his chest, turning the other way.

Dean pouted. "AW come on. I want to try it! I'm sure it's great."

Castiel begrudgingly handed the plastic container over and watched Dean like a hawk as he opened it.

Smoking In the Boys Room // DestielNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ