Chapter 13

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Dean had a bit of a predicament. He was overjoyed at the fact that he and Castiel had...worked things out, but he had class in 20 minutes and, speaking from experience, this magnitude of erection was not likely to dissipate on its own in such a short amount of time.

Well, I hear Jess has a free fifth block, she might be able to cover for me...?

Dean shook his head.

Are you really going to get a sub over a boner? Get a grip, Dean.

He weighed his options.

Get Cas back in here to take care of this? That's risky, especially with Gabe potentially lurking around.

I don't really have enough time to GO anywhere, so that's out.

Tying a blazer around my waist is a dead giveaway. It's like saying, "hey look at my dick!"

He remembered the bathroom at the end of the hall next to the teachers lounge that was RARELY occupied, seeing as you needed a key to even get into it.

You know, after today, it won't have been the weirdest thing I've done in this school.

He grabbed his keys and jogged off down the hall, hoping to avoid running into anyone on his way.


Cas walked into the lunchroom, spotting Jo and Charlie around their usual vicinity. He sat down next to Jo, sighing and plastering on a smile.

"Hey, miss me?" He said casually.

"You know it, hot stuff." Charlie replied, chuckling and eating her fruit roll-up. Jo just looked at him expectantly.

"What?" He asked. Her look shot daggers at him. "Oh, right. Yeah, we're cool now." He said nonchalantly.

"What were you up to Cassie?" Charlie asked?

"Just talking to a teacher, had to sort some things out. It's all good. We got it handled." He said. Jo looked like she was going to explode. He just shrugged at her.

"What else were you expecting?"


"Fuck, Cas." Dean said in an urgent, hushed voice. He braced himself against the shaky metal door of the stall with an arm as the other was wildly at work on his nether regions. He was nearing the edge, pictures of a scantily clad Castiel fresh in his mind to speed things along. As he was moments away, he heard a key rattle in the door.


As he reached his climax, he leaned his back against the tile wall of the bathroom, covering any obscenities, lewd noises, or the names of his student popping out of his mouth with a hand tightly sealing it all in. As the door opened, his seed shot out, spattering the wall of the stall in white, gooey liquid. As they footsteps neared the stall next to him, it ran down the wall quickly, dripping onto the floor in a small pool that had formed right next to a pair of brown leather shoes.


He hurriedly tried to wipe the wall off with toilet paper to avoid any more spillage onto the floor, and, luckily, he caught all of it before it could reveal itself to his neighbor.

The ONE day someone else decides to use this bathroom, OF COURSE.

He kept his frustration silent as he waited for the other occupant to leave. As the stall next to him opened, he began to right himself, zipping his pants and tucking his shirt back into its proper position. When he thought they had left, he stepped out, only to meet Gabriel's eyes.

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