Chapter 16

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They had been sitting and talking for hours. Back and forth about their childhoods, music they liked, people they loved, things they believed in.

Dean learned that Castiel did musicals when he was younger, which he undoubtedly received shit for. Cas learned that on top of being a world-class literature nerd, Dean was also a very good mechanic.

Everything was perfect, that is until Castiel felt the sharp vibration of his phone ringing. He swiftly pulled it out, and upon seeing Anna's name pop up, answered it.

"Hey." He said, looking at Dean and mouthing "Anna".

"You should probably start heading home." She said, we tone implying that it wasn't a suggestion.

"Is everything alright?" He said, suddenly very nervous.

"We'll talk when you're home." She said ominously.


Castiel sighed, frustrated. "Alright, be there soon." He hung up and ran a hand over his face.

"Leaving so soon?" Dean chuckled.

"I'm afraid I'll have to cut it short tonight, I have to go get a lecture about who knows what. I'm sorry." Castiel said, a pit in his stomach. Dean smiled sadly, standing and offering Castiel a hand up.

"Hey, it's alright." They began walking back towards the car, hand in hand. Dean swallowed thickly, suddenly anxious. "Well, I hope...I hope that we can continue this. On another date." He stuttered. Cas looked over at him, smiling. He stopped and faced him.

"I would love that." He replied, leaning in and pressing his lips to Dean's. When he pulled away, they smiled at each other, laughing shyly then looking away.

They continued walking until they reached the Impala, Dean opening Castiel's door.

"Thank you." He said, stealing a kiss from Dean over the door.

Dean walked over to the other side, getting in and turning the keys in the ignition.


When they arrived back at the park where Castiel's car sat vacant, the two got out and stood reluctantly between the two vehicles.

Dean took a step towards Castiel.

"So, where does this fall in the ranking of first dates?" He said, stepping towards Castiel once more. Castiel mirrored him, stepping backwards.

"Well, the timing was impeccable," Step. "The location was a little murdery at first, but it really pulled through in the end," Step. They were nearly touching the mustang. "And my date was a perfect gentleman, not to mention super hot." Dean put his arms on either side of Castiel. Cas scrunched his face up liek he was thinking hard. "So, I'd say..." he looked up into Dean's eyes through his lashes. "Number one."

Dean pushed his body into Castiel's so that the younger boy's was flush against the side of the car. He bent his head down to begin attacking Castiel's neck with kisses. Cas exhaled shakily, hands roaming up underneath Dean's t-shirt, his hands running along the smooth muscles. Dean licked and nipped at the soft, sensitive flesh of Cas's neck, earning small moans and hushed curses from the smaller boy's lips.

All the while, Dean was rolling his hips against Castiel's, causing Cas's hands to shoot down to Dean's hips, grinding them against his own in a plea for more friction.

Dean picked his head up, looking first at Cas and then pushing his lips into the younger boy's. Castiel quickly swiped his tongue across Dean's lips, practically begging for entry. The man above him readily obliged. Castiel grabbed Dean's hipbones and pulled them forward roughly. Dean has to steady himself against the car.

Smoking In the Boys Room // DestielHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin