Chapter 27

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This is right after the end of Chapter 25, to clear up any confusion. 



Dean's head snapped up to look at his brother. 

"Yeah?" He said nonchalantly. 

Sam looked at him in confusion. "You just said you feel sick, and then stared off into space. What was that about?"

"Nothing." He said shortly. 

Not being satisfied with the lack of answers, he stared with concern across the small countertop. He wanted to continue, but knowing that he had nearly pushed Dean to his limit, he stood. 

"Let's go grab dinner at the Roadhouse. I wanna see Jo and Ellen." Sam said, patting his brother's shoulder. 

Dean nodded, despite the fact that Sam had his back to him at this point as he walked towards the door. 

"You wanna change out of your work shit before we go?" Dean asked, slipping on his shoes. 

"Yeah, if that's alright. I have to drop off the squad car anyway. Do you just want to follow me and we'll take the Impala to the Roadhouse?" Sam said, opening the door and stepping out of the apartment. 

Dean agreed, and they were off. 


As soon as they walked into the familiar familial location, Dean saw Jo slumped at a booth across from a tousled head of jet black hair and slim build he'd know anywhere. 

His heart jumped at the sight of Castiel, and sped up as the teenager turned around and smiled toothily at him. 

Dean's insides warmed and fluttered, remembering their conversation earlier that day. He felt like he was floating looking at Cas, and how else could he feel looking at the love of his life? 

He sauntered over, Sam long forgotten as he struck up a conversation with his favorite teenagers. 

The whole time, he couldn't keep his eyes off of Castiel. The boy's perpetually loose fitting and gauzy shirts, his messy hair that always looked perfectly imperfect, smudges of yesterday's eyeliner making his eyes look mysterious (and kinda sexy), his beautifully pale skin, the tattoos peeking out from underneath his shirt, the light sheen of sweat across his face from the heat of the building and the effort of his work making him glow in the warm orange-red light: everything about him was gorgeous. 

At some point, the trance was broken by Ellen calling him over from behind the bar. 

He took one last look at Cas before making his way over to Ellen. He passed Sam, who he'd assumed was going to say hello to Jo. 

Ellen embraced him warmly. "Hey, Dean, how's life treating you?" She said as they pulled away.

"Well enough I 'spose." He said, chuckling. 

"Jo told me Castiel had a big audition today. Some fancy school on the east coast." Ellen said, crossing her arms and looking over at the dark-haired teen. 

Dean grinned, not being able to contain his happiness and pride in the boy. "Yeah, he did. A really prestigious music school in Massachusetts, it's really hard to get into, but he's got it in the bag." He said, smiling over at Castiel. 

Ellen raised her eyebrows. "You sure know a lot." 

"Oh, Cas was in one of my classes last semester and he hangs out in my room on his free period sometimes. " Dean says, hoping his enthusiasm wasn't suspicious. "And you know Jo, she talks my ear off." Ellen chuckled. 

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