Chapter 11

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Castiel sat on his bed, anxiously checking his phone about every 20 seconds.


He was going crazy. Yesterday, he had expressed his doubts to Jo about this mystery guy. She told him he would definitely want to stick it out. But this was just bizarre. He was insanely curious if not a little unnerved by the whole thing.


What was he going to say? What would happen? He thought about shutting off his phone. He quickly threw that idea out the window, intrigue getting the better of him.


His stomach was doing acrobatics within him.

He jumped when he felt the heavy vibration next to him.

There he is.

Castiel took a deep breath.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey." He heard from the other end.

"You're early." He said, getting up and walking towards his window.

"I pride myself on punctuality." The voice laughed.

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind for the first date." Cas said, feeling brave.

"First date, huh? You're confident.", the voice said. Cas smiled.

"I have to be, or else I might never meet you." He said calmly.

"I hope you do." The voice replied simply. The silence was thick in between sounds.

"So, you know Jo, and you at least figured out where Jo lives. You're strong enough to lift me, or else I'd have a lot more bruises. You're probably dashingly handsome or drunk me would not have been alright with the manhandling. You have a Kansas area code. That's not a whole lot in the way of hints." Cas listed.

"Well, what else do you wanna know?" The voice asked. Castiel thought about the many questions he could ask.

"What's your name?"

"Too easy. Something else." The voice laughed.

"How old are you?"

"Older than you." The voice said.

"So, not someone from school. That's incriminating. I might hang up if I don't know exactly." Castiel said, a bit nervous, but attempting to play it off.



Dean held his breath, fearing that he'd revealed too much. Castiel had been silent for a little too long.

Should I have lied about how old I am...?

"Does that- is that weird?" He asked, unable to take the silence.

"I mean, no, not inherently." Cas said simply.

"And it doesn't make you uncomfortable?" Dean asked quietly.

"Not yet. You still have a chance." Cas said, snickering. Dean laughed.

"So what's a 24 year old doing at a high school party?" Cas asked. Dean flushed.

Smoking In the Boys Room // DestielTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon