Chapter 25

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"So I'm in the middle of the concerto when the guy stops me and points at my guitar and is like 'Can you play that?' and I was kinda like 'No shit'-" 

"You said that?" 

"I didn't! I just thought it! But why would he even ask me that?? I wouldn't haul around an instrument I can't play. He was kind of an asshole." Castiel was lying on his bed staring up at the ceiling, phone pressed up to his ear. The orangey-afternoon light shone in through his translucent curtains and across his chest, making the rings on his hands glint and reflect onto the walls around him. 

"Okay, so what next? Did you play guitar?" Dean asked excitedly. 

"Well, yeah, but first the other judge just straight up asked me what instruments I play. So I told her, and then they asked me to play something on everything. So I played a Chon song on guitar-"

"What the hell is Chon?" Dean interrupted. 

"It's prog. You're so old." Castiel teased, laughing.

Dean was silent for a moment. 

"What...?" Castiel asked sitting up. 

"No. You're gonna laugh at me." Dean said quietly, and Castiel could practically see him pouting. 

"Oh my god, just say it!" 

Dean huffed before mumbling, "What's prog?" 

Castiel did indeed laugh. Very hard. 

"I told you! I said you were going to!" Dean said, exasperated as Castiel's far-away laughter could be heard. 

Meanwhile on the other end, Castiel's phone had been long abandoned, but soon he reached for it once more. 

"I'm sorry, it's just funny-" He giggled again.

"Are you gonna answer me??" Dean pouted. 

"Prog is short for progressive rock. It's like weird time signatures and modes and things you wouldn't normally associate with rock. Wait, hold on-" Castiel took his phone away from his ear and went to work texting Dean a YouTube link to G.O.A.T. by Polyphia.

"There. That's prog." 

He heard Dean's phone vibrate. "Ok, I'll listen to....Poly-polypia? Whatever," Castiel chuckled, "Later, but tell me about the rest of your audition." 

"Yeah okay, so," Castiel thought for a minute. "So I played guitar, and then I played a Schubert piece on piano, and then I sang and played piano." 

"What did you sing?" Dean asked.

"Well, I wanted to sound a little more professional than pop or rock, so I did an old spiritual my voice teacher picked called Deep River." Castiel said, stomach flipping nervously at the memory of his performance. 

"I didn't know you sang anything but rock, you should let me hear it some time." Dean said, smiling. 

Castiel immediately backpedaled. "Oh no, no no no, I sound so bad on it." He said, subconsciously covering his face. 

Dean made a small noise of discontent into the phone before saying. "Baby, you don't sound bad on anything. Ever. Never once have you sounded bad. I don't think thats physically possible for you." 

"Dean really, it's so technical and boring and awful, I'm sure you wouldn't like it." Castiel took a breath. "Also that was really sweet. Thank you. I appreciate your faith in me, but really, I sound so bad." He said, embarrassed at the mere thought of singing outside of his confident frontman persona for Dean. 

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