Thirty Five

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Perrie was still holding Jade's hand and remained lying on the top of the floating wooden door. She opened her eyes and received the darkness of the sky, and starting to admire the stars.

Perrie on one hand, still waiting for the boat to come back and rescue her and Jade. She didn't bother to have another talk with Jade because she knows Jade is struggling and definitely exhausted, that's why she let her rest.

Jade on the other hand, was slowly dying. Yes, that's really sad to know, but that's the reality. Her shallow breathing makes her struggle more. Her eyes remained closed as the minutes passed by.

Jade thanked Perrie earlier, but Perrie didn't heard it obviously. It was more like a whisper. Jade can't manage to speak properly anymore. When she tries to, she will struggle more.

One of the twenty boats came back to this part of North Atlantic to find and rescue some people who are still alive.

The officer incharge in that boat, kept on pointing his flashlight in the ocean, searching for someone still alive.

"Right ahead, sir," One man in a boat stated.

"Oars! Do you see any moving?" The officer asked.

"No, sir. None moving, sir," The man answered.

"Check them! Bring the oar up here," The officer stated.

"Check them, make sure," He repeated.

"These are dead, sir," The man replied.

"Now give way. Ahead easy. Careful with your oars, don't hit them," The officer stated.

"Is there anyone alive out there?" The officer shouted.

"Can anyone hear me? Is there anyone alive out there?" The officer kept on shouting as he and the other men in the boat continues to search.

"We waited too long," The officer stated, frowning.

"Well, keep checking them! Keep looking!" The officer ordered.

"Is there anyone alive out there? Can anyone hear me?" The officer shouted once again.

No one answered. No one heard him. And maybe all of the people in the water were already frozen. They all froze to death.

Perrie was still staring at the sky. Maybe the boat is a little bit far from where she and Jade are.

She was thinking about the first time they met. The first time she met Jade. Even though she is engaged to an oppresive man, her feelings for Jade got developed. Love at first meeting, and that is probably the best statement to describe Perrie's feelings. The time Jade confessed to her, Jade's words for her that time was unhealthy. She's overwhelmed at the fact that Jade fell in love with her. She didn't expect that to happen and Jade didn't expect Perrie to fell in love with her also. That's impossible for both of them. Perrie is a first-class girl, and absolutely rich, whilst Jade is just from third-class and got nothing in her pocket. But that's not what love meant. It's about the feelings, not how much and how long can a person provide such things.

Perrie never fall in love with Zayn. Neither did Zayn. They were just set up for Edwards' financial problems. Perrie obviously said many times that she doesn't like that idea but because of her mother's insistence, she did nothing. They got engaged and planned to make the wedding happen in New York City which was the main reason why they go aboard Titanic. There's no other main purpose. But then, boarding that ship, Perrie met the woman who will save her from her miserable life.

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