Thirty Two

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The disaster goes on and on, nothing changed. The passengers including Jade and Perrie are kept on climbing up in the back of the ship, just like they are hiking in a dangerous mountain.

There was a priest that is holding onto the post, praying. Some of the passengers are praying along with him, hoping that the heavens will save them. Because that's the only thing they could possibly do. Everyone is in freaking danger. The lifeboats are all gone, and it's not enough, obviously. One lifeboat can carry sixty five people, and the ship had twenty boats. But not all of them carries sixty five people. There's a boat that carries only twelve. One of the crew said that he's not sure if the boat can really carry sixty five people, because it might turn upside down. If all of the lifeboats can carry sixty five people, then a thousand and three hundred can be saved, but no.

There's nothing they could possibly do. Nothing. Only to scream and to run. Nothing else. Jade and Perrie checked the water, some passengers are kept on jumping onto the water because they think there's no way they can save themselves. Jade decided not to do that, and they will stay on the ship as long as they could possibly stay.

Perrie is really really exhausted. Ever since from saving Jade, and now this big chaos. It's really tiring. She guess some of the people will think that they rather die than to fight this exhausting thing and negativity.

Jade and Perrie promised each other that they will fight and survive this disaster together. Everyone can tell that this is freaking hopeless, but it's alright if you remain positive. It's hard, but it can lessen the negativity somehow.

This is the first and the last voyage of the ship. It's so sad to tell and definitely hard to accept, but it's already happening. No one expected this, of course, who would expect this thing to happen right? It's really unbelievable. The Unsinkable Ship, is sinking.

If there's no iceberg at all, then none of this will happen. None. The R.M.S Titanic didn't even reached the New York City. The main purpose of Perrie boarding this ship is about her and Zayn's wedding. And for Jade, is because she won the tickets here and it's her dream. But the wedding of course won't happen, not just because of the ship sinking, but because of Perrie's feelings for Jade. Jade's dream going to the New York City is a little impossible now, due to this disaster.

"Perrie?" Deborah called, sitting beside her daughter.

"Yes, mother?" Perrie replied, not taking a glance.

"We will go aboard the Titanic in two days, are you excited?" Deborah stated.

"Of course, it's the grandest ship in the world. Who wouldn't be excited to go aboard?" Perrie replied.

"I'm glad you liked the idea," Deborah stated, referring to Perrie and Zayn's wedding that will be held in New York City.

Perrie just beamed a smile at her mother.

In reality, Perrie didn't like the idea of her getting married to Zayn. It's just because of their survival. Perrie absolutely hates the idea. The arrange marriage. She hates everything. But she can't refuse, and do anything because it's her mother's insistence.

Jade is thinking about how she can save Perrie. She is absolutely grateful that she won the tickets here, because if it wasn't because of that, she won't met Perrie. She didn't expect that to happen, but she's really grateful and that's the best thing that ever happened to her. Her dream going aboard Titanic already came true. But going to the New York City is still, not sure. If she won't be able to survive this, she's just hoping that Perrie will. Because she's too young and she needs to explore more and continue her dreams. Jade wants that too, but all she kept thinking is Perrie's survival. Yes, she kept telling Perrie that they will survive together because they had a lot of plans and she doesn't want to disappoint Perrie. She can't say that "I won't survive" because if she does, she know what Perrie is going to do. Perrie came back aboard, and chose to survive this disaster with Jade, rather than to get in the boat and survive without Jade.

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