Twenty Nine

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When I got out of the room where Jade is, I didn't stop to look for a way and people to seek help. I am getting controlled by my fear and nervousness again, but she said that everything will be alright. And because I trust her so much, I tried to remain strong for me to save her and for us to survive this disaster.

The water is kept on rising and rising here in E deck, the lowest part of the ship, except from the boiler rooms. The water is already waist-level, and I almost don't care about the coldness. What I need is help.

I climbed the stairs up to D deck. There's still mo water in this part of the ship. When I reached the D deck, I immediately shouted for help.

"Hello? Is there anyone here?" I shouted, and I saw nothing. But I continued to walk, run, and search in every place I could possibly go.

"Hello? Is there anybody down here?" I shouted, while running.

"We need help! Hello?!" I shouted again, but still, no one's here.

I sighed, and breathes heavily. I run on the other way.

"Damn it," I cursed, I nearly cried.

I kept on breathing heavily due to tiredness and because of running.

"Can anybody hear me? Please! Hello!" I shouted once more. Still got nothing.

"Hello!" I stated, with a higher tone of voice.

I turned around and I saw a man running. Oh gosh, thank God.

"Oh thank God," I stated as I walked closer to the man. But he seemed rushing, of course. He's scared too.

"Wait, please, I need your help," I stated, pleading.

"No no," He replied.

"There's a woman back here and she- wait!" I was cutted off when he started to run away. Oh gosh, where could I seek help?!

I sighed deeply, and turned around. Oh please someone help.

"Hello?" I called. But I feel like no one can hear me, no one.

I walked slowly as the light started to turn off, and I can only see is darkness, no, I can't see anything. Oh please, not this time.

My anxiety level started to rise, no. I need to find help, I need to get Jade out of here.

I breathed heavily as I started to lean against the wall. When the lights didn't turn on for a seconds, panic starts to eat my system, as I kept on breathing heavily. Tears forming in my eyes, I swallowed the lump in my throat. No, please. I don't like this. Not now.

I kept looking both sides until the lights turned back on. Oh gosh, thank God.

I breathed in relief, trying to swallow back the tears that are threatening to come out of my eyes.

"Hello?" I managed to say.

I walked slowly until a man carrying lifevests came into my sight.

"Oh miss, you shouldn't be here now," He stated as he grabbed my arm and started to pull me along with him.

"Please, I need your help," I stated.

"This way, quickly," He stated, ignoring my statement.

"There is a woman down here and she is trapped. Please," I pleaded, but he ignored me again.

"There's no need to panic, it's alright," He stated looking at me while shaking his head.

"No I'm not panicking!" I replied and he kept on pulling me. "You're going the wrong way! Let go of me, listen!" I stated, and I don't know what came up in my mind, I punched him square in his face.

The Unsinkable Ship (Jerrie Fanfiction) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now