Author's Note III

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I just came here to tell y'all that today (May 1st) is the 1st anniversary of this book! Can you imagine that?

I can't believe that I started creating this a year ago, and it's still getting appreciation since then 'til now.

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who reads, who votes, and to those who added this book to their reading list/s. I can't thank y'all enough for those efforts of reading every single chapter of my work.

I highly appreciate it, please keep supporting this because it means such a great deal to me. It's my first completed work ever.

To celebrate its 1st anniv, why don't we re-read it from Prologue to Epilogue? It's up to you, but I'm gonna do it myself😆☺

Have a nice day to all of you!❤️


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