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"Wait, I need to talk to you," Jade stated, forcing me not to leave.

What does she want to talk about? I need to leave. I can't see her. This is absurd.

"No Jade, no. Jade, I am engaged. I'm marrying Zayn. I love him," I stated, looking straight in her eyes. Is that what I really feel? I don't know anymore. I need to get out of here.

"Perrie, you're no picnic..alright? You're a spoiled little brat even..but under that, you are the most amazingly, astounding, wonderful girl...woman that I have ever known, and-" I cut her off, Jade please stop, what are you trying to say?

"Jade I-" I was cutted off by her.

"Let me try and get this out," She pleaded.

"You are ama-" she stopped and sighed. And spoke again "I am not an idiot. I know how the world works. I've got ten bucks in my pocket, got nothing to offer you and I know that. I understand. But I am too involved now" she stepped closer "You jump, I jump remember? I can't turn away without knowing you will be alright. That is all that I want," She added, mumbling the last sentence.

I don't know what to feel. Is it true? What is she trying to say? I don't understand..I can't understand. Does she love me? No, she can't love me, I am engaged, I am marrying Zayn. She can't love me. She can't. I need to get away from here. This is freaking impossible.

I looked straight in her eyes. "Well, I am fine. I'll be fine. Really," I stated. Even though I know in myself that I'll never be fine.

"Really?" She repeated. "I don't think so...They've got you trapped, Pez, and you'll die if you don't break free, maybe not right away because you're strong but...that fire that I love about you Pez," She says putting her right hand on my left cheek. "that fire is going to burn out," She added. I am in fucking verge of tears now. Why? Jade you need to stop. You can't say that, we just met 2 days ago, you're just confused.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. She can't love me.

"It is not up to you to save me Jade," I stated, staring in her face.

"You are right. Only you can do that," She stated, her hand was still on my cheek.

She is starting to lean in closer, our faces were only inches apart. I can feel her breath hitting my face, sending shivers down my spine. I stare at her eyes, her lips, and back to her eyes.

"I am going back," I stated, taking away her hand from my face. "Leave me alone." I added, leaving her.

I went outside that room, going to the first-class lounge. Nothing happened, nothing. I didn't hear anything. That is not true. I got hurt, but I don't know why. This is just I dream. I hope it is. Can someone wake me up please. I need to get away from this.

I am now at the first-class lounge. I am sharing a table with my mother and her two friends. They are having tea. They seemed busy about their conversation and I don't even understand what are they talking about because..I am having my own world here. Thinking about...Jade.

She didn't say directly that...that she loves me, but in every single little thing she said...it seems like...she loves me, but heck no. She can't love me.

The atmosphere here is so suffocating, I need to get out of here.

"Mother, can I go to my room?" I called the attention of my mother and she immediately turned on my direction.

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