Chapter 20

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Olivia's POV

I woke up to Niall proding me in the hip "Olivia come on we gonna tell the boys now or when we have fed them?" He whispered "When we fed them, duh" I said laughing he had to even ask whether to feed them or not. I threw my legs over the side of the bunk just avoiding Niall's head, I jumped down and he pulled me into a giant hug and pressed his lips to mine, i kissed him back, It was a gentle kiss once again.

I pulled out a pair of red denim shorts, a loose navy blue hollister t-shirt and tucked it in and pulled out my navy converse high tops, I brushed out my hair and threw it up in a pony tail. After sweeping some mascara and liquid eye liner over my eyes, i left the bunk room to one of my favourite smells ever. Niallaroo Pancakes.

I waltzed into the kitchen to see Niall dishing up pancakes to each of the boys, I walked over to help him "Okay something up, you two never help" Zayn said flapping his hands around so a piece of pancake flew off his fork "OI don't waste food" Niall yelled and i chuckled. "Anyway i agree with Zayn something is up, SPILLLLL" Louis yelled the last bit and i looked at Niall, who just kissed my cheek. Soon enough the boys twigged "Are you two.??" Harry trailed off and i nodded "FINALLY" Louis once again yelled and i chuckled at his loudness.

"That obvious ?" Niall chuckled "Dude the way you look at her and talk about her its clear as the grass is green!" Zayn exclaimed once again flapping his arms around,Liam dodging so he doesn't get hit.

"Zayn next time your going to do that tell me so i can move out of the way?" Liam said messing Zayns hair up, Zayn gave liam the eyes of death glare and Liam smiled and walked away.

Everyone finished their pancakes and put the silver ware and plates in the sink, Paul came in telling us we had to get our butts to the arena for rehersals before we head off to Florida. I met Katie and Danni in the foyer.

"Hey you ready to be worked till your dead?" i asked bouding up to them as the boys trailed behind us "Not really but with those 5 in the room i doubt anything will get done!" Danni joked "HAYYY" Harry said hitting her upside the head "Hay is for horses harold" Danni said pinching his cheek which he cleary did not apriciate, showing this by chasing her around the arena stage, we were currently stood on waiting for the choreographer to arrive.

"HARRY" Paul yelled from the seated area in front of the stage and Harry stopped dead in his tracks and turned his head "Yes Pauly dearest" he said with a sugar sweet voice "Stop chasing Danni and leave her alone goof" Paul said rolling his eyes.

---9 PM after rehersals---

After showering and changing and all in all freshening up, i ordered pizza for dinner because i really can't be bothered to cook and then have to do the washing up..because some how every night i end up doing it one way or another.

I plonked myself next to Niall on the couch in the back room where he sat alone because the reat of the boys where watching a Man U game and he had no interest in watching it seeing as he doesn' support them and neither do i. "C'mere" Niall said pulling me onto his lap putting down his guitar he was strumming quietly to himself.

I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck and he kissed my temple and put his arm loosly around my waist. "I ordered pizza for dinner becasue i really can't be bothered to cook anything!" i said "Fair enough love" he said and i heard a knock on the door "haha that will be the pizza!" i said trying to get up but Niall pulled me back down "Do you want Pizza or not ?" i asked and he nodded perfusly and let me go.

I opened the door and passed the pizza's to Niall and payed the guy with the money Paul had hidden so the boys couln't find it and told me to only use when ordering pizza every once in a while.

Please don't forget me ? - Niall horan-On hold for a little bitWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu