Chapter 9

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 Chapter 9

Niall's POV

It's one week til Olivia comes to london with me and i am super excited. I was about to go over to Olivia's, we were gonna go shopping for a few pieces for that was a 6 month supply of oreo's and galaxy hot chocolate...yes it has to be galaxy.


I heard my phone as i was about to leave the house


Daddy Direction :)

Was the caller ID ..wonder what he wanted i clicked accept and held the phone to my ear

'Hey Li whats up ?' i asked him cheerily

'Hey Ni urmm...' He drifted off at the end

'what is it ?' i asked him getting a tinie bit worried

'You know the tour? well you know it was 6 months in the US ?' he asked me

'Uh huh Liam what the hell is wrong I am now slightly worried and late for Olivia who is waiting for me next door ..we are getting oreo's and that is very important to me you very well know ' I said to him down the phone line and I was not half kidding about the oreo's I take them very seriously...

' well we now have to go to australia and new zealand ' liam told me and I think im missing something here ...

' annndd you are worried about this how ?' i asked him

'Will Olivia still be able to come ?' omg is he stupid ...was all that was going through my head right now

'Are you really that stupid ...she will be over the moon, oh and how long will this second bit of the tour be ?' i asked him the important part long ..not that it matters but...

' urm i think paul said it was another 2 months' he said unsure ..oh well i don't care and neither will Olivia

'Okay liam thanks for telling me and don't worry about the tour being longer ...i don't care and Olivia certainly won't ' i told him trying to reassure the worry in his voice

'First niall you don't have a choice you have to go so it'd a good thing you don't care and second i just don't want to have to find another dancer at short notice and all the others that we auditioned were stuck up and me and the lads couldn't bare to have 8 months of that' he said laughing a little at his statement

'laughing at your own sentence i see' i said teasing him a little

'whatever' he mumbled back. I looked at the time crap crap crap late late late

'Li thanks for calling but i REALLY have to go i am sooo late for oreo shopping' i said way to fast for him to even understand properly

' okay Ni see yah in a few days' he said and hung up. I did a double take then legged it out the door and over the brick wall almost landing headfirst on the gravel drive way ..hehe that would have hurt.I step out of daydream world and let myself into her house ....she said to always do that beacause she can't be bothered to get up from where ever she is and open it soooo....ahh well

'OI livs sorry im late liam rang' i yelled through the house

"It's fine don't worry i woke up late and then didn't move when i did' she yelled back not wvwn telling me where the devil she was..typical

'Where are you'

'Back room' she called back and i heard a loud thump and an 'Ouch' i chuckled at her clumsyness and ran to the back room to find Olivia under a pile of books and her holding the bookcase up with one foot

' What the h-hell are y-you d-doing muppet' i said trying to diguise the round of hysterics threatening to come out

'Shut up and help before i move my leg and this crushes me and you will have no more dancer for 6 monthsssss' she said as her eyes glazed over.Crap i thought as i ran over and pushed the bookcase up then turned to help Olivia up. I pulled her into a bear hug and whispered 'You okay ?' into her hair with smelt amazing, She nodded and lifted her head from the crook of my neck and smiled at me. ' Come on we have oreo shopping to do !' she said halfway out the backroom 'YEAHH oh and Olivia ?' i said and she turned around..i guess that was her yes ' The tour is now 8 months long' i told her and then added ' ANNND we are going to one of the places you have always wanted to go ..but im not gonna tell you where can figure it out' i told her won't take to long, i'd say




'OMG REALLY ....australia ?' she questioned and i nodded and she gave me a huge bear hug. Ever since she was 5 she had wanted to go to 'That place where they have kangeroo's' yup that my friends was a 5 year old Oliva saying she wanted to go to austarlia ...

Olivia's POV

AHHH AUSTRALIA i have always wanted to go there ever since i was 5 years old..yup 13 years ago and i have never been there yet ..ughh procrastinator..

OH great now we have to find room in the suitcases for more oreos. Fantastic.

'Come on' i called after Niall who had his head in the fridge ...gahh him and his stomach. I swear he could eat for Ireland. Wait. No. Scrap that the world ....uh huh well maybe im exagerating just a tad...

'NOW i yelled in his ear and his head flew up and thwacked me in the chin 'oww' I whispered ' sorry, but i have warned you not to shout behind me when I am in the fridge' his statment was true but ehh ' Fridge that don't belong to you' i muttered under my breath hoping he wouldn't hear me but clearly, luck didn't like me today.

It took up 20 minutes to get to the store and an hour to get everything, including picking up some stuff for Oscar. Puppy running a muck at home ...haha tour will be fun he get super excited when Niall comes round with four others and Paul i have no idea what was gonna happen.

We got back to mine to find an envelope on the doormat. I stepped over it, Niall closed the door and i picked it up. Niall stood there smirking at me, Okay so he knew something he wasn't telling me, I opened up the envelope and squealed and hugged Niall. Oscar has his own passport ...Ohh im so stupid i never even asked how we where gonna get Oscar into multiple different countries with out one of these!!! haha

We spent the rest of the day doing things that we used to when we were younger, like plating twister, which included us with our butts in eachothers faces and us in one heck of a knot, and he collapsed ontop of me. We watched many re-runs of friends and bear in the big blue house ...don't judge us..we are as immature as we look ....

In the middle of an episode of bear in the big blue house i drifted in to thinky world. I began thinking about all that has happened it the past month and a half, Niall coming back into my life something i had needed since 2010 , i had got my dream job and i get to travel to some of the places i had always wanted to go to al because of Niall and i had the cutest puppy ever ..again all thanks to Niall.



HEYY thanks for baring with the past week ...been really ill all week and yeah ..only been to school once this week :(

ANY WAYY i found out this week that one of my school teacher's is Haryy's second cousin and my auntie knows Liam's i fangirled while being ill which made me worse !!!


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