Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Niall's POV

Louis called Danni into the bunk room, so he could talk to her. The rest of us being the nosey people we are, had our ears pressed up against the shut door. "Guys do you hear anything?" Katie asked "Nope not a thing" Harry repiled "You do remember this bus has sound proof windows, walls and doors right?" Liam said from the couch...oh.

"Yeah duh Liam sure we did" Zayn scoffed as we went to sit back down on the couch. Wonder why Olivia is in there ? I'll ask her later.

Danni's POV

"Danni im your twin brother" Louis said to me....what ? "What ?" i said barley above a whisper "Yeah i mean put the pieces together, We are both 20 we have the same birthday, date and year, we both love the same stuff, our eyes are the same colour, we have the same hair colour?!" Louis said slowly to me. "That could just be a coincidence Lou" i said softly to him "Its not though, I rang m-Our Mum before i called you in here and told her that when i was 12 i heard her and Dad talking in the kitchen about giving up a little girl for adoption because two kids was to much to handle at such a young age, She then explained it all to me about how no care home could take you because they were all full so she sent you to one right down south in a little town called woodley in Berkshire" He explained as he moved next to me on the bunk i was sat on and held my hand.

"Can i talk to her ?" I asked still really family today i'm a Tomlinson ??? "Sure hang on i'll ring her" Louis said and grabbed his phone from the side table. "Do you want me to go and leave you two alone?" Olivia asked us "If thats okay with you ? and thanks Olivia, and don't forget your still classed as my little sister!" Louis spoke up "No problem, I'll go see what kinda mess they made out here, and they are gonna ask me whats going on, do i tell them or just tap my nose and ignore them?" She said laughing slightly "Tell them vaugley whats going on but not that i just found out i have another sister?" "Sure thing!" Olivia said and left the room.

Louis then rang hi-our Mum, gonna have to get used to saying that. She picked up after a few rings and Louis put her on speaker. 

"Hey mum" lou said "Hey sweet did you tell her ?" She asked sounding as if she was crying "I did and she wants to talk to you" Louis said smiling "Really?!? she's not mad at me for what i did?" She i guess i should speak " Nope not one bit, you had to do what you had to do, i don't blame anything on you at all, Im just happy i found- well Louis found me" i said into the phone "Danni? I'm sorry" She wept into thr phone and i could hear other little voices saying 'Mummy don't cry' and 'Mummy why are you crying' "You don't need to be, i dont hate you and i never could because you brought me into this world" i said chuckling as Louis grabbed my hand tighter.

Olivia's POV

I walked out of the bunk room to have 5 sets of eyes on me."Now i know how a gold fish feels gahh" i said and sat next to Niall on the couch "Whats going on Olivia?!" Liam being the oh so sensible one of the group asked "Well Lou just found out something quite important and so did Danni, but i can't say more than that, they will tell you when they get out okay, so don't hassle me to tell you because i won't!" i said and then an awkward silence fell upon us. "What are you all thinking about that requires you to stare intently at the ceiling of the bus?" i said and Katie nodded "Nothing we are just trying to work out what involves both Danni AND Lou ?" Niall said putting emphasis on the word AND "Well i can assure you its nothing to be worried about" i said trying to break the REALLY awkward silence.

A few minutes later Louis and Danni walked out of the bunk room and every averted their eyes to them and they stopped deas in there tracks "Who died?" Louis muttered and sat down on the floor with Danni. "Okay whats happened tell us before we die of suspence !!" Zayn said flapping his hands around left right and centre.

"Well...are you all sitting comfy?" Louis started as if he was telling a bed time story on a kids channel "Louis just tell us before Zayn hits one of us" Liam said dodging Zayns hand flapping. "Okay well, as it turns out Danni is kinda my sister" Louis said "what do you mean kina your sister?" Harry asked "Well she's my twin sister!" Louis finally said and you couls have heard a pin drop in the entire bus ...not even a cricket could be heard.

"Well say something guys please" Danni said quietly "Are you sure?" Liam said "Yes Liam i am sure, I rang my-Our mum and everything!" Louis corrected himself. "Well welcome to the family miss Tomlinson,,,Ahh crap two Tomlinson's and a Tomlinson bff on tour for 8 whole months..." Zayn said and everyone groaned while Danni Louis and Katie sat smiling like cheshire cats.

"Right me Danni and Katie are off...i'm spoiling these two!"Louis said and threw the two girls over his shoulders and out the door, luckey they had shoes on.

Katies POV

Louis threw me and Danni over his shoulder and ran out the door before either of us could protest. "Louis, two things, 1 i'm gonna faint and 2 your not spoiling me" I said "What Katie said" Danni said and Louis put us down "Okay right first i am spoiling you and second lets go!" He said and pulled us both towards the car "okay because we clearly are not gonna win this argument, Louis don't go mad please, i know what your like!" i said laughing and he grinned at us. Oh no.

Niall's POV

After Louis took or rather dragged the two girls out of the bus Everything went oddly quiet, i guess thinking about Louis and Danni."Okay who is hungry ?" Olivia said standing up, a chorus of me's broke the silence "Okay okay, how does muffins sound?" She asked and all of us nodded our head until it felt like they were gonna fall off. "Okay im gonna shut the door ans not one of you is to enter until i yell okay?!" she said pointing at me in particular "Yes Mam" i said and looked at the floot causing the other 3 to fall about laughing. Olivia turned and left and clicked the door shit siganling she couldn't hear us we couldn't hear her.

"You like her!" Zayn said simply and i could feel my cheeks getting redder by the second. "He Does ?!!" Harry said "Okay okay no, i don't like her" i said and their faces dropped "I love her and have done for nearly 3 years" i said once again looking at the floor. "Niall?" "yeah ?" "Ask her out, you two are perfect for eachother?!" Zayn said..well he must mean it because Zayn gets real protective over me and girls because i 'fall to fast' or something. "Thanks Zayn, i am when we get to orlando in a few weeks!" i said blushing again.

"MUFFINS" Olivia yelled and i was in the kitchen like a shot. "What flavour did you make?" i asked "Rasberry and white and milk chocolate" she said smiling knowing that was my favorite all time flavour "You remembered?!" i asked suprised "Whats got into you? of course i remembered ?!" she said looking at me with a funny expresion on her face "anyway eat up boys and leave 3 for Lou Katie and Danni?" she said and left the room again.


Hey i got realllllll bored today. after getting home from seeing the MOST ADORABLE PUPPY EVERRR and personaly i hate this chapter...eghh fillerrr nothing happens in this in my opinion

The next chapter i will skip to the first concert...and also at the moment the boys are in Mississippi in the story...i didnt really make it very clear...xx

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-Erinn x 


Please don't forget me ? - Niall horan-On hold for a little bitDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora