Chapter 3

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chapter 3


Niall's POV

" Nothing you just have't changes one bit thats all " i said to her as she bounced back over to  me on my bed

 " sooooooooo " she said dragging out the ooooooo " how was x factor ? i would have asked this ages ago but "

" Your not gonna drop this are you ? i feel bad enough don't rub it innnnn "

" sorry " she sais as she ran and gave me a hug i missed her hugs but i guess i am the only one to blame for that one " i missed your hugs " i blurted out 

" did you now ? " she giggled with a smirk  god how i loved her giggle

*****knock knock*****

i opened my bedroom door to find my mam stood there with a smirk on her face " so you guys have been up here in a while " she paused and smirked " what were you doing ? "

" well livvy is sleeping here tonight and then we are going somewhere tomorrow but we don't know where " i paused " and we will be stealing your gingerbread toooooo "

" okay nialler i didn't ask for your life story geez !"

" mam " i said " you know my life story your my mother "

" don't split hairs horan you know what i mean " she said before trapsing back down stairs

I turned to olivia who was sitting on my bed watching me and my mam bicker with each other at the doorway.

" what movie are we gonna watch ? scary ? " i asked her hoping she would say yes even though they scare her shitless

" fine i suppose ....we can watch a scary but can it be women in black ...that one doesn't scare me as much ? " she said with those big blue eyes of hers pulling that puppy dog look that has alwasy made me go weak at the knees

" i haven't seen that one yet so sure ! " i said to her " ill go set it up down stairs and you can change if you want to then when your done ill change yes ?" " yes genral " she said as she stomped her foot and saluted me " 3....2.....1..... gooooo " i yelled and charged down the stairs missing out the botton 5 steps nearly falling on my arse.

i hooked my laptop to the tv and went on let me watch this now and searched women in black and clicked on it ready to click play then ran to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of ginger bread and stuck some popcorn in the microwave and started to make some cookie dough  after it was done i got some drinks and put it all in the living room

" liv can you bring down the blankets and pillows and what ever else you find pleaseeeeee ??" i yelled to her

" uh h-ahhhhhhh " i heard back ....running up the stairs to open my door to find her on the bed pointing at a spider the size of a 10p coin. I chuckled at her and then picked up the spider and chucked it out the window . She had always hated spiders.... using the excuse of " its not natural to have 8 legs and the same amount of eyes and an arse the same size or bigger than your head "

" its gone !! and i see your changed "  i said to her " im going im going " she said whist giggling

i chose this as my time to call liam and tell him EVERYTHING ....

Liams POV

" help me in stuck inside your phone answer it to set me free helpp" went my phone ..okay yes i have niall as my ringtone  BUT only because he set it and i set his as me ...hehe niam..

" Heloooo" i said down the phone having no idea who it was because i was an idiot not looking at caller ID

" hello der " went an irish accent at the other end

Please don't forget me ? - Niall horan-On hold for a little bitHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin