Chapter Seventeen

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"Wait, what? And that was it?" The young man looked at the old man in astonishment.

"Oh yes. Just like that. Heartbreaking." The old man replied in a serious tone.

"But after everything that they had been through, how could he just let those two be back in control?" The young man  asked.

"Well, whose to say that if you were in that situation, that you wouldn't do the same?" The question hung between them for a moment. 

"No way. No way! There's no way I could just forget someone like that who had given up everything for me." The young man shook his head defiantly. 

"Oh, you've had this same experience?" The old man asked with a twinkle in his eye. 

" I haven't." The young man shook his head quickly.

"Then maybe we shouldn't be so quick to throw stones, hmm?"

"Yes, Sir"

"Good boy. " The old man smiled. 

"But, I mean, I just don't understand. I thought they were in love."  

"He couldn't remember any of that. It was like someone had taken an eraser to his mind and wiped it all away. He barely remembered Stacey and Steve." The old man replied, looking up at the sun through the willow branches above him. 

"I guess with the brain trauma and stuff." The young man agreed. 

"See? Already using the terms. We'll make a good doctor of you yet." The old man ruffled the young man's hair with a chuckle. 

The young man laughed as he was pulled into a gentle hug. Then pushed his way free. 

"Fine, fine. I still think its terrible that he couldn't remember." The young man said. 

"It was gut wrenching. Almost the worst pain he had ever felt when he remembered." 

"I couldn't imagine." 

"But here comes the silver lining. My story isn't finished." The old man continued with a smile. 


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