Chapter Twenty Eight

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"And that's it?" The young man asked.

"What do you mean, 'that's it?'" The old man countered. "What were you expecting?"

"Well, it just seemed a bit...anti-climactic. I mean, that can't be where it ended."

"It never ended, Nicholas." The old man said. "The story is still going on....with you."

There was a quiet between them as the young man pondered everything he had been told. The old man looked around at the branches on the tree the bend was shaded by, and then over at the coffin sitting above freshly dug ground. There were flowers surrounding it and some of the friends and family had stuck around to chat for little while.

"Things are off a little, since he's gone." The old man said. 

"Yeah, but like, nothing else happened?" Nicholas asked. "What happened with you and Grandpa Nate?"

Tommy chuckled at the question posed by his grandson. For him, it was the easiest thing to see in the world. The answer was in front of Nicholas. But Tommy also understood that the knowledge he now carried could only be obtained through experience and learning as you go. It couldn't just be passed down and appreciated simply because of the story. 

"All of this happened." Tommy said, stretching his arms toward the family. "Your mother and her brothers happened. And then before anyone could tell us to slow down, you and your brother came along and I was an old man."

"I'm sorry he's gone, Grandpa."

"Ah, you're a good boy Nicholas. Death is part of life, Grandson. Inevitable. But, that's why we need to enjoy one another while we're living. You don't know what you might miss until its gone. Cherish those around you."

"Even Sidney?" Nicholas asked. 

"Yeah, even your little sister." Tommy chuckled ruffling the boys hair. "You might need her some day, and she might need you. Its about family, Grandson. Those are the ties that bind. Family is what you make it. And it doesn't always mean that you're related by blood."

Nicholas pondered this for a second and then leaned forward wrapping his arms around Tommy. 

"Love you, Grandpa. Thank you for telling me your story."

"Anytime, kiddo. I love you too. Now whatya say we get back to the house? The foods going to be good and I have more stories to tell." Tommy smiled. 

Nicholas nodded, helped Tommy stand then ran off to join his parents who were all going back to Tommy and Nate's place for supper. The boy's mother waited for him and then waved back at her father. Tommy returned the wave with a kiss to his palm and then tossing it at her. She caught the air kiss, smiled and put it in her pocket before going to the car with Nicholas, his father and siblings. 

Tommy stood and made his way over to the coffin. He placed his hand on top and bent down, slowly putting his lips to its warm surface. 

"I'll be seeing you, Nerd." He whispered before making his way to the car. 

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