Chapter Twelve

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When they arrived at Tommy's dorm, Tommy reached into his pocket with his good hand and gave his keys to Nate. He opened the door and flicked on the light as he helped the jock to his bed. Tommy sat and Nate quickly went to work on his shoes, untying them and setting them aside before removing the socks; throwing them into an empty hamper next to a mountain of dirty clothing near the bed.

"I can undress myself." Tommy said with a half smile.

"I'm aware that you're capable, but I'm going to help you anyway. How's your hand?" He asked.

"Throbbing." Tommy replied.

"Okay. Why don't you go take a shower. I'll get you painkillers."

Nate helped Tommy stand and get to the bathroom; pulling a towel from the top of the pile on the floor and sniffing it to make sure it was clean before handing it to Tommy. He sat the jock on the seat of the toilet while he reached in and started the water.

"Hot." Tommy said, pulling his hand into his midsection like a wounded animal.

"Hmm?" Nate asked.

"I like hot showers....please." Tommy said.

Nate adjusted the temperature until the water pouring from the head was steaming. He closed the curtain and stepped out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He looked around the dorm and sighed at the mess. One thing was certain; Tommy's sexual preference certainly didn't change his being a bachelor. Nate quickly picked up the pile of laundry, tossing it in the hamper before looking through cabinets and drawers for painkillers. He was happy to find a bottle of ibuprofen in the desk drawer next to a first aid kit, from which he took some medical tape and gauze. He grabbed a bottled water from his backpack and set everything on the desk. There he saw an Amazon Echo Dot and he shrugged, taking a shot in the dark.

"Alexa." The little device responded with its signature blue ring, waiting for instructions. "Continue current playlist." 

Let's see what the Jock gets down to. He thought to himself.

The ring flickered and danced before he heard music coming from behind him. He turned to see two small wireless speakers sitting on either side of a bookshelf built into the wall. "Its Been A While" by Staind quietly thumped through the room and he sat on the bed, listening, waiting for Tommy.

The jock emerged from the bathroom some time later in a billow of steam, wearing only his boxer briefs and a white tank top. He moved carefully to the bed and sat next to Nate.

"Feel better?" Nate asked with a tiny smile.

"Some. I'm kind of tired....and my fucking hand." Tommy replied.

Nate stood and grabbed the medication, water and bandages from the desk and sat back down. He popped four of the ibuprofen from the bottle and offered them to Tommy with the water. The jock took the pills and swallowed them dry. Nate reached out and took the inured hand. He tended to the wounds, cleaning first with peroxide and a towel (that he had made sure to ask was clean). Then he slowly wrapped it the best he could.

"I'm no doctor, but that should hold for now. I don't think its broken. We can get you in tomorrow." Nate said.

"It's fine. Thanks." Tommy replied.

"Sure. You know...." He turned toward Tommy, crossing his legs on the bed. "You didn't have to do what you did."

"Steve's an ass. He had it coming. Worse, in my opinion."

"Not that. You didn't have to come out that way. I wasn't trying to push or anything, I just--"

Tommy's injured hand came up to the side of Nate's face before the jock leaned forward and pushed their lips together. 

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