Chapter Fifteen

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It was a loud shout that shattered the silence and brought Nate out of a restless, terrible sleep. He blinked a few times, bringing his mind up to speed and looked over at the hospital bed. The jock was sitting up as much as possible, panting. Cold sweat poured down his face. Tommy had been in and out for the last three days; some coherent, and others barely remembering who he was. His father had really done a number.

"Tommy, are you alright?" Nate stood and moved to the bedside; still half asleep with his legs wobbling below him.

"I....I...." Tommy's voice was hoarse.

"It's okay, T. You're alright."

"A man. It was a man that attacked me." Tommy replied.

"I know. You're alright now, he isn't here." Nate said, instinctively taking Tommy's good hand.

To his surprise, Tommy squeezed, as if he was holding on for dear life. Nate winced at the grip, but held on as the panic attack finally waved its way through the jock and was gone. When Tommy loosened his grip, they locked eyes briefly and then he pulled away. Nate's eyes moved to the floor sheepishly.

"S--sorry." Nate said.

"Its....its alright, man." Tommy furrowed his brows. "It was just a bad dream. Thanks for....well....thanks."

Nate nodded before moving back to his chair and sitting down. He stretched and yawned before looking over at Tommy. There was a puzzled look on his face and he let his eyes wander over the equipment.

"Is everything alright?" Nate asked.

"I need know..." He motioned to his lower abdomen. "I have to take a leak."

"Oh." Nate said with a half smile. "Well you have a catheter. The doctor wanted to monitor your output." He indicated a large bag hanging on the bed that was now filling with fluid. "You're already going."

"Oh." Tommy looked away.

"No need to be embarrassed. Can I get you anything? Books? Blanket? Movies?"

"What time is it?" Nate looked at his watch. It was nearly 6 am and he realized then that his mother was no longer in the room. She must still be on her regular morning routine and had left an hour earlier to get coffee.

"Just before six." Nate answered.

"What about school? My dad will kick my ass if I skip out."

"You have some pretty incredible circumstances. I'm sure the school will understand. As for your father....well, it'll work out."

"No. You don't understand...."

"Trust me, okay? He's the least of your worries." Nate smiled at him. "Tommy do you remember who I am?"

The jock looked up at him and stared for a moment. Butterflies moved around his stomach as Nate waited for any reply. Tommy turned his head and squinted his eyes like he we was trying to see through real fog instead of the clouds in his mind.

"I think....yeah I do." Tommy said, adjusting some in the bed and sitting up.

Nate couldn't help but smile. The butterflies intensified and he moved to sit next to Tommy.

"You're that nerd that owes me a jacket." Tommy said. "What the hell are you even doing here?"

And just like that, Nate's world shattered again. He stopped and then started moving away from the hospital bed again. He exhaled long and loud to avoid tears.

" I--I'm the one that found you. I--I--I just wanted to make sure you were alright." Nate said, looking away.

"Well, obviously, I'm going to be fine! God! I can't be seen with you!"

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