Chapter Six

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Ten minutes later, Nate was rapping on Wendy's door impatiently, knocking three times, waiting a few seconds, and then hitting it four more.

"I'm coming!" She shouted from inside. She opened the door and Nate didn't wait to move passed her. "Come on in." She said pointedly, staring into the open hallway.

"What else did you say to Tommy?" He asked her, folding his arms and watching her.

"What? You saw before you practically shoved me from your dorm." She replied. Her black and purple hair was wet and she was wrapped in a white towel.

"No, after." He said, more forcefully.

"I didn't see him after that."

"You're lying. Why do you insist on pursuing what I told you to drop?" He wasn't happy.

"Because he's an asshole. Look what he did to you!"

"Wendy, I get it. You don't like to see me hurt. You don't want me to get into a relationship with someone that's chronically abusive. But, you know, at the end of the day, it isn't your business." He watched her reaction as she stiffened up. Obviously, it was as hard for her to hear as it was for him to say.

"Relationship? Nate...." She scoffed. "Tommy is straight! Okay? You have to stop believing that your little sessions were anything more than him using you to make sure he got what he wanted." Her voice raised, and she gestured with every word she spoke.

"He came to see me." Nate stated simply.

"To apologize." She replied just as cool.

"Yeah. And....he kissed me."

"He—what?" She asked with a laugh. "Tommy Shultz kissed you?"

Nathan simply nodded in response.


"Yes, Wendy. Before he took off like a bat outta Hell making me swear to never tell you he was there." He eyed her now, moving his brows into a semi glare.

"Well, I don't believe you." She scoffed. "I told him to stay--"

"Wendy, do me a favor. The next time you feel the over bearing need to step into my life and dictate to me, or anyone else that isn't you? Don't." He moved to leave.

"I'm your friend, I was just doing you a favor!"

"Well, don't! Don't do me any more favors, Wendy, because, you know, really you just made everything worse. Now back off!" With that he left, slamming the door behind him.

He knew, as he strode down her hallway that he wouldn't stay angry with her forever, and he knew, or at least would bet, that she would forgive him. Now, he was unsure what he needed to do. What he wanted to was to go check Tommy's dorm. This couldn't be ignored. But he didn't want to spook the guy, either. He wasn't going home this time, and a part of him hoped Tommy would be staying as well.

I should be going home to rest. It's been a tough week. He thought. He was happy, however, when his feet lead him in another direction.


Oh my god! Tommy thought to himself as he rocked back and forth on his bed. What....was....that?!

He needed to reach out to someone. Stacey and Steve were obviously out of the picture but what about Jeremy? No....they hadn't ever really got along. Victoria? Nope. One night stand and then an awkward acquaintance. Certainly not his dad. And he couldn't bring himself to talk to his sister.

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