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Requested by user83081670

Demon!jungkook and Angel!yoongi


Angels. They are souls that God decided to keep in heaven rather than let it roam on earth. They either become gurdian angels, helper angels or simply exist.

Yoongi. The angel with white hair and pale skin. His eyes were a soft blue. His face was round with a cute button nose and pink lips. His whole existance just screamed innocent. Around his neck was a choker like ring that shines so bright but at the same time it looks soft and drew your attention to it instead of blinding you. It was because that he was God's finest creation, served as a helper angel. He like helping around on Earth whether it was saving human from dangerous and an early death or helping soul that's stuck on Earth.

And there's Demons. They decided to rebel against their own nature. Their soul was tainted. They don't want to become human. They stray from their path because it it simply fun. So God created Hell to dump them. But it was a game for them. They still manage to cause chaos on Earth.

Jungkook. His jet black hair compliments his red blood eyes. He's one of Hell's top troublemakers along with his best friend, Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung. The red blood-almost black- ring on their pinky finger simbolise for how bad their sins are. But the darker they are, the more fun they had.


Jungkook had met this 'Min Yoongi' a couple of times. The first time - damn he had to be honest - the angel was beau. Ti. Ful. He thought that he shouldn't feel anything sort of attraction towards this goody two shoes but meh. It was simply physical. Nothing good about him anyway. Or more like nothing bad.

He had met him when he and his two best friend were laughing at some kid who was crying simply because he got stucked on a tree. The trio planned on 'shaking his world' a bit when suddenly their attention was drawn onto a light. And appeared an angel. Yoongi. He was in his human form. Blond hair and lithe figure. He had somehow manage to climb up and brought the boy down who had thanked him and given the angel a hug, going back home probably to ramble how he met a real life angel. Well he's not wrong.

The second time he met him was when they were having their fun. Taehyung was whispering weird things into some human's ears, making them shivered, feeling a presence near them. They loved it when people were being afraid of them, something they couldn't even see. A groups of girls were running away, screaming when suddenly Yoongi appeared in front of them, glaring and crossing his arms around his chest.

"Aww the angel is made at us now?" Jimin mocked.

"You guys can't do that! You're scaring the humans" The angel exclaimed as he huffed.

"Duh. That's the point"

The trio ignored him as they went on their way, followed closely by the angel as they ignored him. They later forgot about Yoongi as they started to approach some humans. That was before Yoongi cut them to it and covering their ears. The human looked unbothered as they whispered. What the fuck is wrong with this dude? The fun was later spoiled when the angel kept on following them. Their mood slowly went down as the trio decided to just go back to Hell.

The third time Jungkook meet him was when he was alone without his two other friends. He saw the angel walking around, looking happily at nothing. How is that even possible? He slowly crept behind the oblivious angel who he had grew to hate. Believe it or not, the angel actually annoyed him. He had some kind of a goody two shoes energy. But for some reason, he could feel it was a bit different from the other angels he met before. He knew about God's favouritism toward this particular angel. And oh he knew how much he wanted to corrupt this little angel. He'd done it before, he could do it again.

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