Chapter 20

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Jimin POV

When me and Eun got home from the ice cream shop. I was intended to go and speak to Jungkook about this girl I saw him with and his music career. How could he not tell me about his music career like wtf.

We finally got home, I opened the door and let Eun inside the house. Eun took of her shoes and ran into the living. " kookie, we had amazing time at the ice shop". I followed after run into the living room and saw Jungkook on the sofa with no one else.

Maybe he is trying to hide her from me. Which is fucked up the way. Eun started to tell Jungkook about her ice cream when I thought I would be a good idea to ask Jungkook for a talk.

"Jungkook can we have" I said "of course" he said turning. " I'm private", I didn't want to talk to Jungkook In front of Eun. "Oh Yh sure , let's go to my room, Eun can you stay here and watch tv" "yess kookie, me want to watch my little pony" I smiled. She loves my little pony as her favourite animal is a horse.

I followed Jungkook upstairs as he enters his room. I really was angry that he been seeing a girl even though he like me. " so is there anything you would like to tell me Jungkook?" I said with a loud tone. Jungkook sat on the bed and played on his phone ignoring me questions. I grabbed his phone from out of his. " HELLO ARE YOU GOING TO ANSWER!!" "Huh oh what did you ask me again" I rolled my eyes in frustration. "I said is there anything you would like to tell me."

"Oh sorry , Um yess there is. Um I'm sorry haven't told you this yet. But I am.." with him still finishing his sentence. I butted in " a singer". "S... yes wait who the fuck told you!" He said standing up. "Eun told me today, she was singing a song and she told me apparently you wrote it !" " yes I wrote some songs , what song did she sing ?"

"euphoria" " ahh yess one of my favourite songs I have written !"

I was still thinking on when he going to tell me about that girl. So I decided to ask him straight up. " next time please tell me, I don't really want to know by a four year old" I chuckled. "Yess of course I will next time Jimin.", " so May I ask who the hell was that girl you were with today". I just heard a big huff.

"It's none of your business, and plus I don't need to tell everything about my life !!!" He literally agreed with me about not keeping secrets from me. Like what the fuck is he problem right now.

" you just admitted that you won't keep secret from me " I shouted back in anger. "YOU ARE NOT MY BOYFRIEND, WE HAVENT MADE IT OFFICIAL YET SO I CAN SEE ANYONE I LIKE" he was so frustrated that he just walked out.

I started to follow him and trying to get him to see sense " REALLY, WELL I LIKE YOU. WHEN YOU LIKE EACH OTHER, YOU SHOULD NEVER SEE SOMEONE ELSE BECAUSE IS MIGHT HURT THEIR FELLINGS, LIKE YOU ARE DOING TO ME RIGHT NOW." Jungkook rolled his eyes as I can him in the mirror, he grabbed his keys , kissed Eun head before walking out with out saying anything to me.

Well that was rude.

The door slammed shut, leaving me to just sigh.
"well that's not I was hoping for, well Eun would like you food !!" I said walking to the kitchen. "YESS PLEASE JIMINE"

I guess I have to get on with my babysitting then worrying about love. I'm getting payed for babysitting and I'm not to get payed for being love.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I am so sorry I have been away for so long. This quarantine is literally losing my sleeping pattern. I am trying my very best !!!

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