Chapter 7

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I just sat on couch after putting Eun to bed, after she fell asleep on my lap. I was so bored so I decided to look through my phone. I couldn't believe it was 4pm already. My parents will be home soon and this house is fucking messy.

I started to panicked, I started to rush by picking Eun toys off from the floor and put them in her little pink basket. Just in time because the front started to open. I ran to the couch and got my phone and act natural.

" Hello anyone home" my Mother shouted. " I'm in here mom" I replied. " Hello Son , how is Eun , thank you for picking her up", " Hello mom , you're welcome, she is in bed sleeping. How was the meeting." Mom walked over to the couch and sat down beside me. " Well, the meet was fine. They want to work in America for 2 mouths maximum."

" that's amazing, I'm so glad that I look after Eun for you. She loves me to pieces" I smiled and sighed. " oh we have already hired a babysitter for her. I thought you wouldn't like the idea of looking after Eun."

" WHAT?! WHY WOULD YOU HIRE A BABYSITTER FOR !!" I screamed completely forgetting my 4 year old sister is upstairs sleeping.

" HOW CAN YOU BE SO STUPID, WE DONT NEED ONE" " calm down sweetie, your going to wake Eun up" I didn't care less right now , I'm so fucking angry but I don't know why. Every time something isn't right, I get so annoyed and angry for no reason.

" well Sweetie, the babysitter is really nice" "I don't care" I said facing away from her. " well, he is coming if you like it or not" my mom said touching my left shoulder. "Fine but if I don't like then he goes" I said turning round to face my mom. "Okay whatever you say, oh could you wake up Eun for me as she got doctor appointment in 10." " okay mom" I replied walking up the stairs. I quietly and carefully opened Eun's  door.

"Eunnie time to get up, you have to go to the doctors soon" I said walking closer to her bed. She shifted a little but didn't wake up , I sat on the bed and lifted her sleepy tiny body into my embrace. She started to wake up because her eyelids flattered open and I saw her beautiful blue eyes. "Eunnie, baby you have a doctor's appointment, let's go downstairs and mommy" I said whispering in her ear.

Eun slowly nodded and i walked down the staircase and into kitchen where my mum was. She took Eun from me and said " I'll be back soon, whilst I'm gone could you start cooking . Also you're father will home soon and he will takeover the cooking. " okay mom , I will" I smiled as she got her car keys and left the house with Eun.

I wonder who the babysitter is ? I hope they are nice and handsome !!

I'm so sorry I haven't posted much. Been super busy with stuff. I hope you like this chapter 🥺

Next chapter will be out soon !!!

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