19. Advice

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Jungkook woke up completely disappointed in himself. Quinn looked at him fondly. Yes, after everything that happened, Jungkook was still dating Quinn.

Quinn's son was in the other room. Was Jungkook crazy? "About last night..." Quinn spoke. She felt awkward talking about it.

Jungkook sighed. "I'm sorry. I just..." He trailed off, not knowing what to say to not hurt her feelings.

"She came back and didn't tell me." Quinn rolled her eyes. She was tired of hearing your name.

You were ruining her plan. "It's fine. I know how you feel about her." Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair.

"Really? Because I don't know what I feel."


Nova fell asleep on your chest. Jimin smiled at you. "So, does Jungkook know that you're back?" You nodded your head.

"He still thinks I have feelings for him." A scoff left your lips after you spoke. Jimin raised a brow at you.

"You don't?" Your attention turned to Nova, who was completely passed out. "I do but he has a child to worry about."

Jimin shook his head. He knew the game that Quinn was playing. Everyone knew what she was doing.

The only person that didn't was Jungkook. "Thanks for looking after her today. I have errands to run."

A chuckle left your lips. "Of course you do. You're an idol."


Quinn held her son in her arms. She was tired. Jungkook was sat on the couch stressing about the little things.

Today was his day off. It was everyone's day off. Usually, he would go and visit you, but it was obvious that you didn't like him.

Jungkook didn't know what to do. "Babe, you really need to calm down..." Quinn said calmly, trying not to make Jungkook even more stressed.

"Don't call me that. You don't even care about me." Quinn sighed. She knew that he was right. "Fine. Then who does care about you?"

Jungkook turned his head to Quinn. "If she did care about you she would be here right now."


You were in Jimin's kitchen making pancakes for Nova. Her mother was at work and she trusted you. Nova laughed at the cartoon on the TV.

Then an AD popped up on the TV. The five-year-old excitedly started clapping her hands. "Uncle Jungkook and Auntie Y/n!!!"

You choked and turned to look at the Ad. A small smile appeared on your lips as it was for Camila's clothing line.

You put the chocolate pancake on a white plate. Nova made her way to the kitchen to help. She ran to grab a banana.

You chuckled and picked her up. "You're such a big help." You poked her nose. Nova scrunched it and smiled.

You put her on the counter. She peeled the banana and handed it to you. "Do you and Uncle Jungkook love each other?"

Nova's innocent question caught you off guard. It was a situation that a five-year-old shouldn't know about.

"I don't know..." She pouted at your words. "Daddy told me that you guys secretly love each other."

You mentally facepalmed yourself. Jimin knew that Nova was your weakness. You were madly in love with this girl.

You smiled softly at her. "Well, then I guess he's right..."


"I'm not an idiot, right?" Jungkook asked Jimin. The two were sat inside of a bakery. A bakery that couldn't even compare to yours.

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